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I have been trying for several days to configure OpenID connection on Centreon using Keycloak IAM (version 24.0.5). However, despite using the information provided in the documentation, I get the following error in the console:

GET http://IPsrv/centreon/api/latest/configuration/users/current/parameters 401 (Unauthorized)


When I check the response in the network tab, I see the following information:

{"message":"Invalid credentials."}

Yet, the session on Keycloak is open.

Here is the configuration in Centreon:

- Base URL: `http://IPsrv:Port/realms/OPAL`
- Authorization Endpoint: `/protocol/openid-connect/auth`
- Token Endpoint: `/protocol/openid-connect/token`
- Client ID: `Centreon`
- Client Secret: `<secret>`
- Scopes: `openid`
- Login Attributes Path: `username`
- End Session Endpoint: `/protocol/openid-connect/logout`
- Redirect URL: `http://IPsrv/centreon`
- User Information Endpoint: `/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo`
Auto Import Users
- Email Attribute Path: `preferred_email`
- Fullname Attribute Path: `preferred_username`

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