24.04 Service Pack - Announcement
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Hello , After updating from version 21.04 to 24.10, I am no longer able to deploy additional hosts and services on my pollers. Any ideas ? Regards
Hello,By following the page https://docs.centreon.com/docs/upgrade/upgrade-from-24-04/, I'm stuck on the step "Upgrade the Centreon solution" when I run the command :# dnf update centreon\* php-pecl-gnupgThe part of the output with problem is : ==cut== Upgrading : centreon-web-24.10.3-1.el9.noarch 49/166 Running scriptlet: centreon-web-24.10.3-1.el9.noarch 49/166Managing users and groups for apache ...Updating APP_SECRET in centreon environment file ...PHP Warning: PHP Startup: posix: Unable to initialize moduleModule compiled with module API=20210902PHP compiled with module API=20220829These options need to match in Unknown on line 0PHP Warning: PHP Startup: shmop: Unable to initialize moduleModule compiled with module API=20210902PHP compiled with module API=20220829These options need to match in Unknown on line 0PHP Warning: PHP Startup: sysvmsg: Unable to initialize moduleModule compiled with module API=20
Hi,Why sorting on the information column isn’t available anymore? This is very handy to get a list of services suffering from a same issue type?What’s the point of suppressing a trivial functionality like this?! Is that (not so) new (but still in a beta state!) so bloated or badly written that even with a 100 (!) display limit such a simple task like this isn’t possible in an acceptable time?Is it a user desire to get over simplified UI? Or a guideline from a UI specialist of any kind?Why didn’t I provide feedback on this point sooner? Because the issues with this UI are myriads…Please explain such design choice or let me know what I’m doing wrong.Regards,
A new update for Centreon web 24.10 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-web-24.10.4
Je partage ma configuration et les différents points de blocages/bugs rencontrés durant la configuration de l’authentification SAML avec l’IdP Entra ID.Tout d’abord créer l’application d’entreprise sur Entra ID.Pour commencer la config : Le remote login correspond à https://login.microsoftonline.com/<ID_IdP>/saml2Le issuer URL correspond à l'entité qui émet les assertions SAML fourni par l’IdP, sous la forme ici : https://sts.windows.net/<ID_IdP>/RAS pour l’ajout du certificat (à récupérer dans l’application entreprise Entra ID) Pour “User ID Attribute” j’ai rencontré des bugs, si je ne précise pas l’URL complète (ce qui n’est pas indiqué dans la doc) il ne parvient pas à récupérer l’ “User ID Attribute” correctement.Bugs à corriger : https://github.com/centreon/centreon/issues/5166 J’ai ajouté cette ligne qui corrige ligne 76 : “requestedAuthnContext” => false,”@Laurent l’ajouter par défaut dans les prochaines versions ? Pour vous aidez à débuger : activer le mode débu
Hello guys i’m trying to monitor a ubuntu 24.04 and i have some issues i had 5.38 perl version and had this problem when trying to dowload nrpe client apt -y install centreon-nrpe4-daemon centreon-plugin-operatingsystems-linux-local Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites : libcrypt-openssl-aes-perl : Dépend: perlapi-5.36.0 mais il n'est pas installableE: Impossible de corriger les problèmes, des paquets défectueux sont en mode « garder en l'état ». and when i deleted perl 5.38 to switch on perl 5.36 i had this problem Vous pouvez lancer « apt --fix-broken install » pour corriger ces problèmes.Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites : centreon-plugin-operatingsystems-linux-local : Dépend: libcrypt-openssl-aes-perl mais ne sera pas installé Dépend: libpod-parser-perl mais ne sera pas installé Dépend: libnet-curl-perl mais ne sera pas installé
Hello guys i have a problem when trying to connect to nsclient my windows box is running the nsclient++ when i’m trying to connect to my nsclient from my centreon server i have a timeout on my centreon here is the command on my centreon /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H <ip of the windows> -p 5666 -n here is the message from the logs of the nsclient \include/nrpe/server/protocol.hpp: Accepting connection from <ip of the centreon server>, count = 1\include\socket/connection.hpp: Failed to read data : End of file here is my config file # If you want to fill this file with all available options run the following command:# nscp settings --generate --add-defaults --load-all# If you want to activate a module and bring in all its options use:# nscp settings --activate-module <MODULE NAME> --add-defaults# For details run: nscp settings --help[/settings/log]; LOG LEVEL - Log level to use. Available levels are error,warning,info,debug,tracelevel = debug; DATEMASK
hello all ,I need to retreive the number of critical triggered on a daily basis.Im a little lost on the solution to put in place to produce this information.can someone guide me ?thanks for the reply.
Hi.My Centreon is IT100 24.04.7 and I’m playing with Rest API v2.I try to get a service template by searching for its name or its id but I always have a code 500 with the following message: “Error while searching for service templates”. Error while searching by name On the other hand, the search for template services works well when I don’t put any search in query parameters. Ok with no search parameterWhat am I doing wrong? Is it a known bug?
A new update for Centreon gorgone 24.10 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-gorgone-24.10.3
A new update for Centreon collect 24.10 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-collect-24.10.4
A new update for Centreon gorgone 24.04 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-gorgone-24.04.6
A new update for Centreon collect 24.04 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-collect-24.04.9
I’ve added several Ubuntu servers to my Centreon and one of them works but others don’t. The ones that don’t are running older versions of Ubuntu. They all are using the rule: Any Ideas?
Hello,In DSMD, existing extensions are working well.But when i try to add some slots or when i try to add a new pool, extension is disabled and i get an error when i try to enable.I can’t find anything on logs.Can you help me to make it working?Thanks.
Hello, In the ACLs configuration, For Ressources Access, in all tabs we have and «Include all...» checkbox.Here for the services :But this option is not available for the Meta Services : Can you add this feature ?Thanks
Hi,The service ‘Partitioning’ on my server goes critical.Result of /usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/centreonbiMonitoring.pl --db-content[mod_bi_metriccentilemonthlyvalue: 2023-07-01 00:00:00] [mod_bi_metriccentileweeklyvalue: 2023-07-17 00:00:00]database view from centreon-web:command i try :nohup /usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/dimensionsBuilder.pl -d > /var/log/centreon-bi/rebuild_dimensions.log &2023-10-10 14:42:17 - INFO - Getting servicecategories properties from Centreon database2023-10-10 14:42:17 - INFO - Updating servicecategories dimension in Centstorage2023-10-10 14:42:17 - INFO - Getting service properties from Centreon database2023-10-10 14:42:17 - INFO - Updating service dimension in Centstorage2023-10-10 14:42:17 - INFO - Updating metric dimension in Centstorage2023-10-10 14:42:17 - INFO - Updating liveservice dimension in Centstorage2023-10-10 14:42:17 - INFO - Updating centile properties2023-10-10 14:42:17 - INFO - Send ACL synchronization signal to CBIS2023-10-10 14:42:17
Hello,It might help to add exclusion filters on the following filters :Host Category Filter Service Category FilterSource : support case #81716Is it possible to plan such an evolution?BR,Camille MURA
Hello team, I was trying to retrive the Ip of an interface from my fortigate using the below command but looks not working , please advise haw i can get the desired result. $CENTREONPLUGINS$/plugins/centreon-plugins/centreon_plugins.pl --plugin=network::fortinet::fortigate::plugin --mode=interfaces --oid=. --hostname=$HOSTADDRESS$ --snmp-community=$_HOSTSNMPCOMMUNITY$ --snmp-version=$_HOSTSNMPVERSION$