24.04 Service Pack - Announcement
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Dear all, The single search field in the “new” status resource pages work in regex and in 2025 it does not allow to use the regex metacharacters without having to escape them. This is very problematic since Centreon is a software for monitoring server or network computer devices which themselves regularly use these characters and this is exactly what we monitor with Centreon. For example this make a problem when you want to do a simple and quick search for an interface name or a disk folders/files on our devices. It should be possible to just search for an interface by is name without worrying about regex syntaxeTenGigE0/7/1/1 > make a error> so we must use TenGigE0\/7\/1\/1same problems for files and folders paths… Many Centreon users are not competent to understand that they must escape the metacharacter regex. And for those who know this, it is ok for them once but not thousands of times, so they do not use the new pages and stay on the good deprecated pages. Please find a use
Hi, Version: Centreon 23.04.9i want to add a user ( viewer) to an existing dashboard.Error no sufficient access rights to user [26] to give role [editor] who is user [26]… when i usw another user, the same issue
Hi,I not able to activate snmp trap.i can get a trap from a host configured in Centreon (see log below).i have a linked a service with a trap: . but still getting a message : rap without service associated for host opbrmf5ltm19001. Skipping…could helpplease remind steps to enable traps. may be i missed something 2025-01-15 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 - Trap received from opbrmf5ltm19001.nor.fr.gin.intraorange: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3375. 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 - 0: hostname2025-01-15 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 - 1: ip address2025-01-15 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 - 2: uptime2025-01-15 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 - 3: trapname / OID2025-01-15 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 - 4: ip address from trap agent2025-01-15 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 - 5: trap community string2025-01-15 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 - 6: enterprise2025-01-15 11:48:11 - DEBUG - 1022298 -
Salut,J’ai enregistré un poller sur un cenral mais je mes suis trompé dans le nom que je devais lui donner. Si je tente de refaire la manipulation avec le bon nom il me dit qu’un poller avec cette IP est déjà connu et il semblerait quðil n’y ai pas d’option pour annuler le premier enregistrement.Je commençais à regarder en BDD voir si et où je pouvais agir mais je ne voudrais pas tout péter.Il y a un moyen moins bricolage pour faire ça ? Et s’il faut éditer directement en base : c’est quelle(s) table(s) précisément ?EN: How do I revert the action of adding a poller via the script registerServerTopology.sh? So I would be able to add the same one again but with with the right name.
Hi,I have an issue - poller went down permanently before I was able to remove them from monitoring. So now they are in the main view all the time. How do I remove them? I found a topic: but there is no good explanation how to remove them from monitoring properly, without causing any new issues after deleting hosts from SQL?
Hi all ! i’ve a Debian12 VM with centreon 24.10 installed on.I had follow this : https://docs.centreon.com/fr/docs/administration/postfix/ step by step and changed all informations, but this doesn’t work :( !i tryed to check in var/log/maillog ( or mail.log ) but it doesnt exist, i don’t find this file anyway…What did i do wrongPS: when i created my Debian12 VM, i forget to do the partitionning LVM , maybe that can be the problem why i can’t find this file : mail.log … Did you have some ideas? or did i need to recreate a Debian VM?
Hello, I have a DistantPoller that failed it’s centengine service with this error:centengine.service - Centreon EngineLoaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/centengine.service; enabled; preset: disabled)Active: failed (Result: core-dump) since Thu 2025-01-16 08:06:20 UTC; 1h 16min agoDuration: 34min 10.614sProcess: 924 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/centengine /etc/centreon-engine/centengine.cfg (code=dumped, signal=ABRT)Process: 6657 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Main PID: 924 (code=dumped, signal=ABRT)CPU: 1min 57.980sJan 16 08:03:54 distantpoller.home.lan systemd[1]: Reloaded Centreon Engine.Jan 16 08:03:59 distantpoller.home.lan systemd[1]: Reloading Centreon Engine...Jan 16 08:03:59 distantpoller.home.lan systemd[1]: Reloaded Centreon Engine.Jan 16 08:06:20 distantpoller.home.lan centengine[924]: free(): invalid pointerJan 16 08:06:20 distantpoller.home.lan systemd-coredump[6674]: [🡕] Process 924 (centengine) of user 983 dumped core.Jan 16 08:06:20 dista
Subject: Probem with Services Count Display on Centreon Dashboard Hello,I am experiencing an issue with Centreon dashboard widgets (grid and chart) where it displays 72 services , although in reality, there are only 18 services on this Host. Do you have any solutions for this problem?I would like to understand why this bug is occurring and how to resolve it. ps: I am on Centreon 24.04.7 Thank you for your help
Actually I use Centreon v23.04.24 on AlmaLinux 9.5, I monitoring a ESX version standalone without vcenter, i would like monitoring 2 ESX in standalone without vcenter. and i don’t have poller only central server.I more problem : the first, i found all topic for centreon_vmware.pm but it was deprecated and switch by centreon_vmware.json to my centreon server (the first time when i had set with *.pm file) , but now i’m not sure it’s a good setting and i didn’t find information to the Centreon Document, it talk just about file *.pm ?{ "vsphere_server" : [ { "password" : "xxxxxxxxxx", "url" : "", "name" : "default", "username" : "centreon" }, { "password" : "xxxxxxxxxxx", "url" : "", "name" : "esx03", "username" : "centreon" } ]}My second problems, it doesn’t work, when I try with the above config, i monitoring correctly the first ESX but not
Hi everyone, I’m running 24.04, and try to use the APIv2 to maintain some HostGroup to Host by script.I can do what I want, but maybe I have a ‘bug’:I use a command method ‘PATCH’ to update a single Host configuration, by modifying only the ‘groups’ item (by passing an array of integer (of HostGroup ID)).https://docs-api.centreon.com/api/centreon-web/24.10/#tag/Host/paths/~1configuration~1hosts~1%7Bhost_id%7D/patchThat work like a charm BUT, after doing that, I can’t export poller configuration anymore.It seems like this command add a ‘null’ value to Host Categories:After that if I go to the host configuration, clic the cross to ‘delete’ host category (but in fact, there is none), and save. Then I can export poller configuration again.Does someone have a way to update only ‘groups’ for a ‘host’ ?
Hellosince december update (i’m on 23.10) the centreon_vmware connector has changed to the new format with the json config filenow I’m having some issue with space usage on the pollers because of a log file for that vmware connector. there is no log level settings or rotation on the file /var/log/centreon/centreon_vmware.log and this file is filling the disk space. (on a poller that file was consumming more than 6GB, I had to delete it) is possible to add a rotate log config in a future update of the connector?or is there a way to reduce verbosity (I see a lot of “info” log level with json verbosity in that log file)
Hello,I’ve been asked by network team to know if it possible to backup network devices (Cisco, ...) with Centreon, it means to execute with Centreon, weekly, a command like “copy system:running-config {ftp: | rcp: | tftp:}” from the network device to a serverThanks for your answers !
Bonjour,Je suis en train de créer un Poller, en suivant cette doc : À partir des paquets | Centreon Documentation et je dois maintenant enregistrer le Poller sur le Remote Server. Je suis donc à l'étape 3. Ainsi, après renseigné la commande "/usr/share/centreon/bin/registerServerTopology.sh -u admin -t poller -h X.X.X.X -n HOSTNAMEduPOLLER" j'ai l'erreur suivante: "date - ERROR - http://X.X.X.X:80 {"message":API calling the Central returned a Client exception : HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized returned for \"monURL/centreon/api/v23.04/login\"."}Je comprends qu'il y a un problème de droits entre le RS et le Central mais je ne sais pas comment corriger. Merci par avance pour votre aide. Cordialement.
Hi,When configuration is changed using CLAPI it is not reflected which pollers are affected and you need to make a guess or reload the configuration on all pollers you have.I find this behavior as gap in the internal Centreon logic. From operational and functional point of view there is no difference between configuration change done over web GUI, CLAPI or RestAPI. The way configuration is changed doesn’t matter. It should be followed by the same outcome – pollers for which configuration has changed should be marked with “Conf changed” flag.That is more consistent and logical behavior.