24.04 Service Pack - Announcement
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Hi all ! i’m trying to secure centreon plateform in https with the official documentation, all is working, apache it’s fine, my files are correctly configured, but i got a unexpected error with my Certificat into my Browser (Chrome/ Mozilla is same) , that return me that: i’m sure to do the good instruction when i created my CSR. I used an local Autority Certificate in my domain (ADCS) that give me a good certificat (.cer / .pem) . So i’m totaly done :( Didi you have any solution or idea?
A new update for Centreon open tickets 24.04 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-open-tickets-24.04.3
A new update for Centreon open tickets 23.10 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-open-tickets-23.10.2
A new update for Centreon open tickets 23.04 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-open-tickets-23.04.5
A new update for Centreon open tickets 22.10 is available. Click the version button in Product Updates to access detailed release notes:centreon-open-tickets-22.10.5
Hello everyone, I have update my centreon of the version 23 to 24.Since, i have this error "SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate for" this error appears when I want to add a hostdo you know this problem? How to fix it?
Hi,we’ve upgrade Centreon from 23.04 to 24.10. We discover the the Dashboard system and is seems to be great.We encounter a problem to Create a playlist. it’s just didn’t work when i clic on Save… nothing hapen..
I'm having a problem with my centreon server (DB12). When I add my server to my local domain (i change hostname+hosts file), I lose supervision of the "virt-vmware-vm-custom" model but I can do name resolution of my servers on the esx. Whereas when I exclude it from the domain (including just hostname: srv-centreon) I manage to do my reporting without problems but it is impossible to resolve the server names... do you have any idea?
Bonjour,J’ai la page des graphes de statuts de la plateforme qui fonctionne seulement à certaines périodes depuis quelques temps.Est-ce que quelqu’un a déjà rencontré un problème similaire, et aurait éventuellement une solution ?
Hello The Watch,I have a WSUS Dashboard that is supposed to show me various single metrics reported by NSClient++Below, we can see that the host's service values are correctly taken into account by the poller.OK: Computers Up-to-date: 242, Needing Updates: 12, With Update Errors: 0, Not Contacted: 261, Unassigned: 1 | 'computers_up_to_date'=242;;;0; 'computers_needing_updates'=12;;;0; 'computers_with_update_errors'=0;;;0; 'computers_not_contacted'=261;;;0; 'computers_unassigned'=1;;;0;But when I create the DashboardAll values are zero!An open case on the support side.Thanks for your help.Best regards,Vincent (Nantes Métropole)
The Centreon Monitoring Agent (CMA) collects metrics and computes statuses on the servers it monitors, and sends them to Centreon. Centreon plugins as well as Nagios-compatible plugins can be used with this agent. Step 1: Set up the environment Case 1: Centreon IT-100You need to upgrade your platform to the latest version (at least 24.04.6), including pollers. Case 2: Centreon Business Edition (<24.04.6)You need to set up a new platform and request a temporary licence from our team: use private message or email to fmattes@centreon.com and provide your platform fingerprint (on the Administration > Extensions > Manager page). Case 3: Centreon Open SourceCreate the following commands and templates manually.Windows - CommandsName Command line OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Host-Alive cmd.exe /C echo Centreon Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Certificates "$_HOSTCENTREONAGENTPLUGINS$/centreon_plugins.exe" --plugin os::windows::local::plugin --mode cert
hello,I want to use the ansible tower cli plugin and discovery mode to automatically add hosts in centreon.For each host, the variables reported by the discovery plugin do not report the IP address of the machine: { "inventory_name" : "vCenter BE_Linux", "description" : "imported", "groups" : [ { "name" : "guests", "id" : 422 }, { "name" : "rhel8_64Guest", "id" : 428 } ], "inventory_id" : 8, "name" : "107501lctm", "enabled" : true, "type" : "host", "id" : 10816 },However, when you query the Tower API, it is possible to obtain the IP of the machine, it is found in the 'variables' field which are the facts and which are not used by the plugin.here is an example of feedback from the Tower API:{ "id": 11010, "type": "host", "url": "/api/v2/hosts/11010/", "related": { "named_url": "/api/v2/hos
Hi,During the upgrade of a central server, especially when the PHP script are run, should/must distant poller be up and running? Or doesn’t matter?I have this question with Gorgone in mind: do the PHP upgrade scripts could need to do any modification on the remote pollers, like deploying new files?
Hi, after migrate 22.10 to 23.10 , Ressource status page contains an error with “check (C)” column.It indicates the "only passive check" icon on an active service and nothing on a passive service.Best regards,
Hello, We just updated our Centreon Central to the last available version 24.04.8-1+deb12u1 from 24.04.7, but since we are unable to access graphics/metrics for services/hosts, we get an error :“Unexpected Application Error! Loading chunk 1747 failed. (missing: https://*/centreon/static/1747.undefined.chunk.js) “ I never seen any error like this on a large usage period in the past years.Do you know how can I investigate and resolve that ? Thanks for your reply,Kind Regards, AD
Now all my widgets hostgroup-monitoring stay empty on the Home/Custom View, after the upgrade to 24.10.2 !How to get them back ???