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Hi everyone,

Since the last update I can’t use force check on my hosts/services + I need to restart centengine everytime I add a new host in order to make it appear on Centreon.

I use the IT-100 license. 

Gorgoned is not starting because of this error (below), I did some research but can’t find any solution on how to install this FFI::Platypus module (seems to be a Perl module). Is this why there is a problem on the force checks?

Hope someone has a solution to my problem ! :) 


Have a good day and thank’s for reading ;)

Hi @GaëlLC just execute:

dnf install perl-FFI-Platypus


Hi @Laurent ,

Thank’s for the command, unfortunately I’ve the same issue (even if I have restarted gorgoned !). 
Do you what is the @INC file ?


Do you what is the @INC file ?


@INC is, in Perl, the list of directories in which perl (the command) will search the modules your program is trying to load. It is the equivalent of $PATH for Perl.

You can see the content of that variable with “perl -E ‘say @INC’”. “perl -V” will show you Perl’s configuration, including @INC.

Do you what is the @INC file ?


@INC is, in Perl, the list of directories in which perl (the command) will search the modules your program is trying to load. It is the equivalent of $PATH for Perl.

You can see the content of that variable with “perl -E ‘say @INC’”. “perl -V” will show you Perl’s configuration, including @INC.

@eseyman Thank you for the command. 
It seems that Platypus module is not included in @INC :


@INC does not contains the modules but the directories in which the modules are installed.

If you run “rpm -ql perl-FFI-Platypus” you will see that one of the files in the rpm is /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/FFI/ . This means that the FFI::Platypus module is installed in /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/. That directory is in your Perl’s @INC.

It seems that Platypus module is not included in @INC :


Note that this does not match the @INC you showed us in your first post.

Hi @eseyman,

Hope you’re good ! 

It seems that Platypus module is installed in /usr/local/lib64/perl5/FFI :  

It does not match the @INC. 
So I need to add it int @INC ?

Thank’s for the help :) 



It seems that it’s ok for the first error I just added the path to FFI in the script located at /usr/local/share/perl5/5.32/ZMQ/FFI/

Now there is this error “Compilation failed” do someone know how to repair gorgoned ? 

Thank’s and have a good day.


Hello  @GaëlLC ,

I solved the problem on my Almalinux 9.4 server by running the following commands:

  • Installing the prerequisites for using cpan:
    dnf install perl-CPAN perl-FindBin perl-core perl-App-cpanminus


  • Installing the FFI module from the `cpanm` manager
    cpanm FFI::Platypus


  • Checking the installation:
    perl -MFFI::Platypus -e 'print "FFI::Platypus is installed\n"'


  • Starting gorgone:
    systemctl start gorgoned.service


There must be a dependency problem with the rpm located in the Centreon 24.04 repository.

Best regards

