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Hello ! 

With Monitoring Connector when installing Fortimanager snmp pack with mode device-status, following options seems to be absent in command / template :

--warning-device-policy-package-status='$_SERVICEWARNINGDEVICEPOLICYSTATUS$' --critical-device-policy-package-status='$_SERVICECRITICALDEVICEPOLICYSTATUS$'


It would be great to be natively integrated in locked command.

FYI we put a default warning status with the following option %{status} =~ /out-of-sync|conflict|modified|unknown/i


Thanks !

NewIn Backlog

Hello :)

This request has been taken into account and should be added to the next release in December.

Kind regards.

Hello :)

As planned, we've incorporated this development into our December release, so you can now access it by updating the Fortmanager connector.

Best regards.

In BacklogReleased