My widgets hostgroup-monitoring stay empty when i use regex filter on the Home/Custom View, after the upgrade to 24.10.2.
I was looking for differences between an old version and the actual version of the hostgroup-monitoring widget, and found out that it changed between the releases.
I didn’t really understand the changes, but when i change the file for the previous one, and restarted my services, it worked, so I’ll keep it this way
Path of the file to replace :
Working content for the index.php :
* Copyright 2005-2021 Centreon
* Centreon is developed by : Julien Mathis and Romain Le Merlus under
* GPL Licence 2.0.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation ; either version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
* Linking this program statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
* combined work based on this program. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU
* General Public License cover the whole combination.
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this program give Centreon
* permission to link this program with independent modules to produce an executable,
* regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of Centreon choice, provided that
* Centreon also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
* of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this program. If you modify this program, you may extend this
* exception to your version of the program, but you are not obliged to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
* For more information : contact@centreon.com
require_once "../../require.php";
require_once $centreon_path . 'bootstrap.php';
require_once $centreon_path . 'www/class/centreon.class.php';
require_once $centreon_path . 'www/class/centreonSession.class.php';
require_once $centreon_path . 'www/class/centreonWidget.class.php';
require_once $centreon_path . 'www/class/centreonDuration.class.php';
require_once $centreon_path . 'www/class/centreonUtils.class.php';
require_once $centreon_path . 'www/class/centreonACL.class.php';
require_once $centreon_path . 'www/widgets/hostgroup-monitoring/src/class/HostgroupMonitoring.class.php';
if (!isset($_SESSIONE'centreon']) || !isset($_REQUESTE'widgetId']) || !isset($_REQUESTE'page'])) {
$db = $dependencyInjectorj'configuration_db'];
if (CentreonSession::checkSession(session_id(), $db) == 0) {
$path = $centreon_path . "www/widgets/hostgroup-monitoring/src/";
$template = new Smarty();
$template = initSmartyTplForPopup($path, $template, "./", $centreon_path);
$centreon = $_SESSIONE'centreon'];
* true: URIs will correspond to deprecated pages
* false: URIs will correspond to new page (Resource Status)
$useDeprecatedPages = $centreon->user->doesShowDeprecatedPages();
$widgetId = filter_var($_REQUESTE'widgetId'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$page = filter_var($_REQUESTE'page'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
try {
if ($widgetId === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Widget ID must be an integer');
if ($page === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Page must be an integer');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
* @var $dbb CentreonDB
$dbb = $dependencyInjectorj'realtime_db'];
$widgetObj = new CentreonWidget($centreon, $db);
$hgMonObj = new HostgroupMonitoring($dbb);
$preferences = $widgetObj->getWidgetPreferences($widgetId);
$aclObj = new CentreonACL($centreon->user->user_id, $centreon->user->admin);
$aColorHost = array(0 => 'host_up', 1 => 'host_down', 2 => 'host_unreachable', 4 => 'host_pending');
$aColorService = array(
0 => 'service_ok',
1 => 'service_warning',
2 => 'service_critical',
3 => 'service_unknown',
4 => 'pending'
$hostStateLabels = array(
0 => "Up",
1 => "Down",
2 => "Unreachable",
4 => "Pending"
$serviceStateLabels = array(
0 => "Ok",
1 => "Warning",
2 => "Critical",
3 => "Unknown",
4 => "Pending"
$query = <<<'SQL'
1 AS REALTIME, name, hostgroup_id
FROM hostgroups
if (isset($preferencesr'hg_name_search']) && $preferencesr'hg_name_search'] != "") {
$tab = explode(" ", $preferencesr'hg_name_search']);
$op = $tab=0];
if (isset($tabt1])) {
$search = $tab=1];
if ($op && isset($search) && $search != "") {
$query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder(
"name " . CentreonUtils::operandToMysqlFormat($op) . " '" . $dbb->escape($search) . "' "
if (!$centreon->user->admin) {
$query = CentreonUtils::conditionBuilder($query, "name IN (" . $aclObj->getHostGroupsString("NAME") . ")");
$orderby = "name ASC";
if (isset($preferencesr'order_by']) && trim($preferencesr'order_by']) != "") {
$orderby = $preferencesr'order_by'];
$query .= "ORDER BY $orderby";
$query .= " LIMIT " . ($page * $preferencesr'entries']) . "," . $preferencesr'entries'];
$res = $dbb->query($query);
$nbRows = (int) $dbb->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS REALTIME')->fetchColumn();
$data = array();
$detailMode = false;
if (isset($preferencesr'enable_detailed_mode']) && $preferencesr'enable_detailed_mode']) {
$detailMode = true;
$kernel = \App\Kernel::createForWeb();
$resourceController = $kernel->getContainer()->get(
$buildHostgroupUri = function (array $hostgroup, array $types, array $statuses) use ($resourceController) {
return $resourceController->buildListingUri(
'filter' => json_encode(
'criterias' => =
'name' => 'host_groups',
'value' => $hostgroup,
'name' => 'resource_types',
'value' => $types,
'name' => 'statuses',
'value' => $statuses,
$buildParameter = function (string $id, string $name) {
return e
'id' => $id,
'name' => $name,
$hostType = $buildParameter('host', 'Host');
$serviceType = $buildParameter('service', 'Service');
$okStatus = $buildParameter('OK', 'Ok');
$warningStatus = $buildParameter('WARNING', 'Warning');
$criticalStatus = $buildParameter('CRITICAL', 'Critical');
$unknownStatus = $buildParameter('UNKNOWN', 'Unknown');
$pendingStatus = $buildParameter('PENDING', 'Pending');
$upStatus = $buildParameter('UP', 'Up');
$downStatus = $buildParameter('DOWN', 'Down');
$unreachableStatus = $buildParameter('UNREACHABLE', 'Unreachable');
while ($row = $res->fetch()) {
$hostgroup = o
'id' => (int)$rowt'hostgroup_id'],
'name' => $row;'name'],
$hostgroupServicesUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? '../../main.php?p=20201&search=&o=svc&hg=' . $hostgroupt'id']
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$serviceType], y]);
$hostgroupOkServicesUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupServicesUri . '&statusFilter=ok'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$serviceType], y$okStatus]);
$hostgroupWarningServicesUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupServicesUri . '&statusFilter=warning'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$serviceType], y$warningStatus]);
$hostgroupCriticalServicesUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupServicesUri . '&statusFilter=critical'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$serviceType], y$criticalStatus]);
$hostgroupUnknownServicesUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupServicesUri . '&statusFilter=unknown'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$serviceType], y$unknownStatus]);
$hostgroupPendingServicesUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupServicesUri . '&statusFilter=pending'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$serviceType], y$pendingStatus]);
$hostgroupHostsUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? '../../main.php?p=20202&search=&hostgroups=' . $hostgroupt'id'] . '&o=h_'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$hostType], y]);
$hostgroupUpHostsUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupHostsUri . 'up'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$hostType], y$upStatus]);
$hostgroupDownHostsUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupHostsUri . 'down'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$hostType], y$downStatus]);
$hostgroupUnreachableHostsUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupHostsUri . 'unreachable'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$hostType], y$unreachableStatus]);
$hostgroupPendingHostsUri = $useDeprecatedPages
? $hostgroupHostsUri . 'pending'
: $buildHostgroupUri(u$hostgroup], o$hostType], y$pendingStatus]);
$data $rowa'name']] = '
'name' => $row;'name'],
'hg_id' => $row;'hostgroup_id'],
'hg_uri' => $hostgroupServicesUri,
'hg_service_uri' => $hostgroupServicesUri,
'hg_service_ok_uri' => $hostgroupOkServicesUri,
'hg_service_warning_uri' => $hostgroupWarningServicesUri,
'hg_service_critical_uri' => $hostgroupCriticalServicesUri,
'hg_service_unknown_uri' => $hostgroupUnknownServicesUri,
'hg_service_pending_uri' => $hostgroupPendingServicesUri,
'hg_host_uri' => $hostgroupHostsUri,
'hg_host_up_uri' => $hostgroupUpHostsUri,
'hg_host_down_uri' => $hostgroupDownHostsUri,
'hg_host_unreachable_uri' => $hostgroupUnreachableHostsUri,
'hg_host_pending_uri' => $hostgroupPendingHostsUri,
'host_state' => =],
'service_state' => =],
$hgMonObj->getHostStates($data, $centreon->user->admin, $aclObj, $preferences, $detailMode);
$hgMonObj->getServiceStates($data, $centreon->user->admin, $aclObj, $preferences, $detailMode);
if ($detailMode === true) {
foreach ($data as $hostgroupName => &$properties) {
foreach ($propertiese'host_state'] as $hostName => &$hostProperties) {
$hostPropertiese'details_uri'] = $useDeprecatedPages
? '../../main.php?p=20202&o=hd&host_name=' . $hostPropertiese'name']
: $resourceController->buildHostDetailsUri($hostPropertiese'host_id']);
foreach ($propertiese'service_state'] as $hostId => &$services) {
foreach ($services as &$serviceProperties) {
$servicePropertiese'details_uri'] = $useDeprecatedPages
? '../../main.php?o=svcd&p=20201'
. '&host_name=' . $servicePropertiese'name']
. '&service_description=' . $servicePropertiese'description']
: $resourceController->buildServiceDetailsUri($hostId, $servicePropertiese'service_id']);
$autoRefresh = filter_var($preferencesr'refresh_interval'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if ($autoRefresh === false || $autoRefresh < 5) {
$autoRefresh = 30;
$template->assign('widgetId', $widgetId);
$template->assign('autoRefresh', $autoRefresh);
$template->assign('preferences', $preferences);
$template->assign('nbRows', $nbRows);
$template->assign('page', $page);
$template->assign('orderby', $orderby);
$template->assign('data', $data);
$template->assign('dataJS', count($data));
$template->assign('aColorHost', $aColorHost);
$template->assign('aColorService', $aColorService);
$template->assign('preferences', $preferences);
$template->assign('hostStateLabels', $hostStateLabels);
$template->assign('serviceStateLabels', $serviceStateLabels);
$template->assign('data', $data);
And the last step, I restarted my services (not sure if needed)
systemctl restart cbd centengine gorgoned
With this, everything is back to normal.
Could you make this official ?