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[MBI] reports not present on web interface

  • 20 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello Team,


i have create a reports, no errors on cbis.log

all reports are create on the folder in my centreon central, but no icones for download


reports are availlable on ssh, and  i download with winscp ;)


exemple report on cbis

p2024-06-20 12:51:47.975] 9INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.scheduler.TaskList] ipool-4-thread-8] : Created task name_services
b2024-06-20 12:51:57.689] 6INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.scheduler.TaskList] ipool-4-thread-9] : Created task name_services
b2024-06-20 12:52:01.110] 1INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.scheduler.TaskScheduler] lpool-3-thread-3] : Scheduled TaskPunctual tid=12, name=name_services], generation=20/06/2024 12:51 CEST, start=01/05/2024 02:00 CEST, end=01/06/2024 02:00 CEST
b2024-06-20 12:52:01.294] 2INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.scheduler.TaskRunner] nThread-16] : Started Task Tname=name_services, weight=50.0]. Server load : 50.0/500.0
b2024-06-20 12:52:01.298] 2INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.job.JobReport] opool-6-thread-6] : Success of the PREPARE step for job name_services
b2024-06-20 12:52:01.337] 3INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.job.JobReport] opool-6-thread-6] : Success of the LOAD step for job name_services
b2024-06-20 12:52:01.756] 7INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.job.JobReport] opool-6-thread-6] : Success of the RUN step for job name_services
b2024-06-20 12:52:01.758] 7INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.job.JobReport] opool-6-thread-6] : Success of the ARCHIVE step of job name_services
b2024-06-20 12:52:01.762] 7INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] Fpool-6-thread-6] : 6Publication]tSFTP] Try to connect...
b2024-06-20 12:52:01.951] 9INFO ] Fcom.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] Fpool-6-thread-6] :    -> Connection OK
K2024-06-20 12:52:01.951] 1INFO ] Icom.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] rpool-6-thread-6] : dPublication]cSFTP]   ... Connexion successful
u2024-06-20 12:52:01.951] 0INFO ] [com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] epool-6-thread-6] : aPublication]iSFTP] PublisherSFTP.copyFileTo()
(2024-06-20 12:52:01.951] 0INFO ] [com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] epool-6-thread-6] : aPublication]iSFTP] Try to connect...
.2024-06-20 12:52:01.952] 0INFO ] [com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] epool-6-thread-6] : aPublication]iSFTP]   ... Connexion successful
f2024-06-20 12:52:01.952] :INFO ] com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] hpool-6-thread-6] : ePublication]lSFTP]   File to copy name_services_202406201252_01_en_US.pdf | Full path: /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives/name_services/
c2024-06-20 12:52:01.952] 2INFO ] ]com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] spool-6-thread-6] : rPublication]bSFTP]   Copying file...
l2024-06-20 12:52:01.953] 5INFO ] 3com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] ipool-6-thread-6] : Copy file to channel...
e2024-06-20 12:52:01.955] 5INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] ipool-6-thread-6] : Copy finished
i2024-06-20 12:52:01.955] 5INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] ipool-6-thread-6] : Set file permission...
o2024-06-20 12:52:01.956] 5INFO ] 6com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] ipool-6-thread-6] : ... Done
2024-06-20 12:52:01.956] 5INFO ] 6com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] ipool-6-thread-6] : hPublication]uSFTP]   Copy done
y2024-06-20 12:52:01.956] :INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] lpool-6-thread-6] : tPublication]PSFTP] PublisherSFTP.copyFileTo()
l2024-06-20 12:52:01.956] :INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] lpool-6-thread-6] : tPublication]PSFTP] Try to connect...
e2024-06-20 12:52:01.956] :INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] lpool-6-thread-6] : tPublication]PSFTP]   ... Connexion successful
c2024-06-20 12:52:01.956] 2INFO ] 9com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] bpool-6-thread-6] : -Publication][sftp]   File to copy name_services_202406201252_01_en_US.docx | Full path: /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives/name_services/
e2024-06-20 12:52:01.956] 1INFO ] .com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] upool-6-thread-6] : 6Publication] SFTP]   Copying file...
g2024-06-20 12:52:01.957] INFO ] 1com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] Ppool-6-thread-6] : Copy file to channel...
h2024-06-20 12:52:01.959] INFO ] 1com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] Ppool-6-thread-6] : Copy finished
2024-06-20 12:52:01.959] INFO ] 1com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] Ppool-6-thread-6] : Set file permission...
i2024-06-20 12:52:01.960] INFO ] 1com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] Ppool-6-thread-6] : ... Done
2024-06-20 12:52:01.960] INFO ] 1com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] Ppool-6-thread-6] : -Publication]:SFTP]   Copy done
2024-06-20 12:52:01.960] 0INFO ] 0com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] .pool-6-thread-6] : lPublication] SFTP] PublisherSFTP.copyFileTo()
p2024-06-20 12:52:01.960] 0INFO ] 0com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] .pool-6-thread-6] : lPublication] SFTP] Try to connect...
c2024-06-20 12:52:01.960] 0INFO ] 0com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] .pool-6-thread-6] : lPublication] SFTP]   ... Connexion successful
2024-06-20 12:52:01.960] 2INFO ] :com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] lpool-6-thread-6] : oPublication]]SFTP]   File to copy name_services_202406201252_01_en_US.pptx | Full path: /var/lib/centreon/centreon-bi-server/archives/name_services/
m2024-06-20 12:52:01.960] -INFO ] 2com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] ppool-6-thread-6] : oPublication]6SFTP]   Copying file...
p2024-06-20 12:52:01.962] 6INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] mpool-6-thread-6] : Copy file to channel...
t2024-06-20 12:52:01.963] 6INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] mpool-6-thread-6] : Copy finished
C2024-06-20 12:52:01.963] 6INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] mpool-6-thread-6] : Set file permission...
p2024-06-20 12:52:01.964] 6INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] mpool-6-thread-6] : ... Done
62024-06-20 12:52:01.964] 6INFO ] 5com.merethis.cbis.job.publish.impl.PublisherSFTP] mpool-6-thread-6] : pPublication]-SFTP]   Copy done
]2024-06-20 12:52:01.964] 0INFO ] :com.merethis.cbis.job.JobReport] cpool-6-thread-6] : Success of the PUBLISH step for job name_services
Â2024-06-20 12:52:01.968] -INFO ] 2com.merethis.cbis.job.notify.impl.JobReportNotify] mpool-6-thread-6] : Notifications are enabled in general configuration for job name_services
b2024-06-20 12:52:06.596] -INFO ] 2com.merethis.cbis.job.JobReport] .pool-6-thread-6] : Success of the NOTIFY step for job name_services
b2024-06-20 12:52:06.596] -WARN ]] npool-6-thread-6] : {0} is not closed.
2024-06-20 12:52:06.596] -INFO ] 2com.merethis.cbis.job.JobReport] .pool-6-thread-6] : Success of the CLEANUP step for job name_services
b2024-06-20 12:52:06.598] -INFO ] 2com.merethis.cbis.scheduler.TaskRunner] cpool-6-thread-6] : Finished Task dname=name_services, weight=50.0]. Server load 0.0/500.0


right on file create

-rw-rw-r-- 1 centreonBI centreonBI    26 19 juin  14:50 G2S_202406191450_32_fr_FR.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 centreonBI centreonBI 56149 19 juin  14:50 G2S_202406191450_32_fr_FR.pdf


on Central
               Local time: mer. 2024-06-19 14:53:09 CEST
           Universal time: mer. 2024-06-19 12:53:09 UTC
                 RTC time: mer. 2024-06-19 12:53:09
                Time zone: Europe/Paris (CEST, +0200)
System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: active
          RTC in local TZ: no

on BI

 root@SRVRSCSUP102 /]# timedatectl
               Local time: mer. 2024-06-19 14:53:57 CEST
           Universal time: mer. 2024-06-19 12:53:57 UTC
                 RTC time: mer. 2024-06-19 12:53:57
                Time zone: Europe/Paris (CEST, +0200)
System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: active
          RTC in local TZ: no


on central

root@odin G2S]# php -i | grep -i timezone
"Olson" Timezone Database Version => 2024.1
Timezone Database => system
Default timezone => UTC
date.timezone => UTC => UTC
aroot@odin G2S]#


error on /etc/php.d/50-centreon.ini


max_execution_time = 300

session.use_strict_mode = 1

session.gc_maxlifetime = 7200

expose_php = Off

allow_url_fopen = Off

date.timezone = Europe/Paris

#date.timezone = UTC


  • restart php-fpm and http
