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When I want to deactivate a host from Centreon because the host has been summered and after restarting the poller, nothing happens.
I have to go CLI on the Centreon server and use “systemctl reload cbd ou centreon” to remove the host.

Have you ever had this happen?I am using version 24.04.7 of Centreon.Best regards


what commands are defined when you go to the configuration of you poller?

(Goto “Pollers”=> “click on your poller”)



EDITHere is an image capture


Hi @Undef1ned, if you modify your configuration, you need to generate configuration and export it.

If you did this and you have issue, it means that an error appears with Centreon gorgone process, please check /var/log/centreon-gorgone/gorgoned.log file.

Modify my configuration ?

Here is the message I have in the log “/var/log/centreon-gorgone/gorgoned.log”


Can you check the content of /etc/centreon/config.d/10-database.yaml file?

Yes, I have an account called “centreon”
