
Debian Remote Poller - Execute Command Failed

  • 17 February 2023
  • 4 replies

Badge +1


I’ve recently brought up my first Debian remote poller and I’m running into an issue that appears to be related to the path of “check_icmp”.  

My service is configured for this:

/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_icmp -H X.X.X.X -n 5 -w 200,20% -c 400,50% 

When I look at the poller in linux, I see that “check_icmp” is located in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins, NOT /usr/lib64.  

Anyone with an idea on how to fix this?


4 replies


move or copy your check_icmp to the right directory


cp /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_icmp /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_icmp




Badge +1

Thank you for the reply.  That did work, although I had to set special permissions for check_icmp to work:

chmod 7555 check_icmp

I guess I’m wondering if the Debian poller image isn’t fully baked...or did I do something wrong during the install?

In any case, I’m content now that it’s working.  

Thx again!

you’re welcome

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

ah… old nagios command still in use in centreon…

(beware I don’t use debian, all the following is assumption)

you should not have moved the file in another folder, as future update will probably fail or not upgrade these binaries (check_icmp is a compiled ELF binary)


multiple things to check, first what is the “command” check for ICMP on your platform?

mine is this

$USER1$/check_icmp ……

for the template “base_ping_service” and “base_host_alive”

the key point it the variable “$USER1$ which is the command, and also a variable in the global centreon config in “Configuration → Pollers → Resources”

check your “configuration → check →  command” (watch out for locked elements checkbox in the check commands) if they use this variables, maybe you need to adjust  them, there are a few “old nagios” command still there and in use


if all the command are in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins instead of /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins, then maybe just change the “$USER1$” variable in the Poller Resources

if you don’t use template or already-setup commands, then why are you pointing on ‘lib64’? always check the config pages, the running page with the full command are results of your config.


next thing. linux “right” (dumb linux thing about being able to use a protocol  or something… the check_icmp is an old nagios command, it tries do stuff you can’t do unless you have the right to, and apparently checking icmp need root or something like that

when I ‘ls -l’ the check_icmp I jave that -rwsr-…, “s” is the thing you want on your check_icmp command


you can get this “s” right with 

sudo chmod u+s /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_icmp


never had this issue with centos/alma, which uses lib64 and not lib, and have this rights already setup out of the box, maybe there are issue with the installation script on debian and this should be an issue for the support
