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Comment mettre en oeuvre NRPE 4 sous Debian ?

J’ai essayé avec le package nagios-nrpe-server et avec les sources linux-nrpe-agent.tar (cf . )

-CENTREON_CENTRAL] /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H NRPE_SERVER -p 5666 -t 30 -u -c check_centreon_plugins -a 'os::linux::local::plugin' 'cpu'
eNRPE_SERVER] systemctl status nagios-nrpe-server

nrpe>27333]: Error: Request contained command arguments!
nrper27333]: Client request from was invalid, bailing out...

Hello @Fabien34 

Can you check on the monitored server thefile nrpe.cfg?

What is the value for dont_blame_nrpe? 

If it’s 0, you don’t allow the arguments.

Thanks @sduret ,

Yes, on the server side I set dont_blame_nrpe=1 but I still have the error message:

Client request from was invalid, bailing out...

On the central server:

CHECK_NRPE: Receive header underflow - only 0 bytes received (4 expected).


More investigation soon… I hope to give news here.

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H XXhostXX -p 5666 -t 60 -2 -P 8192

try with the above if it is on Debian

and confirm your version:

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -V
NRPE Plugin for Nagios
Version: 4.0.3

good luck on your tests

Hi @ponchoh ,

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H MyNRPEServer -p 5666 -t 60 -2 -P 8192

→ CHECK_NRPE: Receive header underflow - only 0 bytes received (4 expected).


/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -V

→ NRPE Plugin for Nagios

→ Version: 4.0.3


Pas glop glop…


Are you using the command from lets say:

  1. hostA to check on hostB? or
  2. hostA to check on hostA? or
  3. ?


If the NRPE server version is 4.x.x you don’t need to use -2 option

From your centreon server, can you try these commands?

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H MyNRPEServer -p 5666 -t 60 -P 8192
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H MyNRPEServer -p 5666 -t 60



Here a workaround to Centreon IT using the Linux NRPE 3 plugin.( In fact this is NRPE in version 4).

Note the check_centreon_plugins is required ! 

On the client (NRPE server)

  1.  Add centreon-engine user
    useradd --create-home centreon-engine
  2. # Install gpg
    apt install gpg
  3. # Add Centreon repo
    wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/centreon.gpg
    echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/centreon.list
    apt update
  4. # Install centreon-nrpe3-daemon
    apt install centreon-nrpe3-daemon centreon-plugin-operatingsystems-linux-local
  5. # Create directory for the plugin cache
    mkdir -p /var/lib/centreon/centplugins/

    chown centreon-engine: /var/lib/centreon/centplugins/
  6. # Add this line, it is missing in the NRPE3 configuration file !
    cat "Add commandacheck_centreon_plugins]=/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ --plugin=$ARG1$ --mode=$ARG2$ $ARG3$" >> /etc/nrpe/centreon-nrpe3.cfg
  1. Restart and check the centreon-nrpe3 service.

Test on the poller:
 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -t 5 -u -c check_centreon_plugins -a 'os::linux::local::plugin' 'cpu-detailed'  ' --warning-idle= --critical-idle=  --statefile-dir=/var/log/nrpe/centplugins'

Actually, NRPE on Centreon is not an easy way !


Important: the host model should be modified for calling the check_nrpe client macro.



i dig out this post and i want to know if this possible to install nagios-nrpe-server from the source but keep the /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_centreon_nrpe3.

The reason, we accounter a nrpe error for check a debian 11.

we are on Centreon 23.04 and we actually use nrpe3 from centreon source for check all our linux (rhel 😎 server. But we have now some debian 11 to check and it’s seem not working on some of them ...

@SavCent what exactly is not working?

Hi @ponchoh 

all my tests give me 

Status information

CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not connect to Check system logs on


in the nrpe log on where my poller comme from

<1720421189] CONN_CHECK_PEER: checking if host is allowed: port 695
1720421189] Connection from port 695
1720421189] is_an_allowed_host (AF_INET): is host >< an allowed host ><
1720421189] is_an_allowed_host (AF_INET): host is in allowed host list!
1720421189] Host address is in allowed_hosts
1720421189] CONN_CHECK_PEER: checking if host is allowed: port 34356
1720421189] Connection from port 34356
1720421189] is_an_allowed_host (AF_INET): is host >< an allowed host ><
1720421189] is_an_allowed_host (AF_INET): host is in allowed host list!
1720421189] Host address is in allowed_hosts
1720421189] Error: (ERR_get_error_line_data = 337092801), Could not complete SSL handshake with no shared cipher
1720421189] Error: This could be because you have not specified certificate or ca-certificate files
1720421189] Connection from closed.
1720421189] Error: (nerrs = 0) Could not complete SSL handshake with 5
1720421189] Connection from closed.

Thank you, this helps:


 Could not complete SSL handshake with no shared cipherm1720421189] Error: This could be because you have not specified certificate or ca-certificate filesm1720421189] Connection from closed.m1720421189] Error: (nerrs = 0) Could not complete SSL handshake with 5m1720421189] Connection from closed.


Do you have something like this?

; CERTIFICATE - Ssl certificate to use for the ssl server
certificate = ${certificate-path}/certificate.pem

I finally find a solution for my problem:

sous debian

sed -i "s/NRPE_OPT=\"\"/NRPE_OPT="\"-n\""/g" /etc/default/centreon-nrpe3

systemctl restart centreon-nrpe3.service


sous rhel

sed -i "s/NRPE_OPT=\"\"/NRPE_OPT="\"-n\""/g" /etc/sysconfig/centreon-nrpe3

systemctl restart centreon-nrpe3.service


you need to add a parameter in the host config nrpe extra option macro : -n

