Out of habit, I use check_by_ssh on most of my checks. It works very fine, but opens a new SSH connection for each check, and generate a lot of useless auth.log on clients, among other things.
So, I've started using check_by_ssh with the SSH connector. At first, I created symlinks for centreon-engine’s ed25519 ssh key, because connector only check for id_rsa (Is there a solution to directly use ed25519 ?) :
✓ h2024-05-22 13:45:50 +0200] centreon-engine@kepler k ~/.ssh ]
$ l
total 32
-rw------- 1 centreon-engine centreon-engine 419 Dec 27 2022 id_ed25519
-rw-rw-r-- 1 centreon-engine centreon-engine 104 Dec 27 2022 id_ed25519.pub
lrwxrwxrwx 1 centreon-engine centreon-engine 10 May 22 03:41 id_rsa -> id_ed25519
lrwxrwxrwx 1 centreon-engine centreon-engine 14 May 22 03:41 id_rsa.pub -> id_ed25519.pub
The connector works, but when a large enough number of checks are run at the same time, an error occurs on several of the checks, as if a limit had been reached:
- Poller : /var/log/centreon-engine/connector-ssh.log:
>2024-05-22 04:26:07.211] 7core] [error] fail to open channel for creds:root@isengard.westeros.lan:22 for check 3877 Channel open failure (connect failed)
- Client : /var/log/auth.log:
2024-05-22T04:26:07.210137+02:00 isengard sshdr209347]: error: no more sessions
For testing, I've already set a very high limit on MaxSessions and MaxStartups on my SSH server, but I can't see what any other limit I'm reaching that's causing this error…
Thank you for your help.