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gorgone-proxy - take more ressources

  • 10 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi guys,


I have a question: is it normal for Gorgone-proxy to use more CPU resources? What exactly is its role?

Reverse ZMQ is used for communication between the central server and pollers.




Thank you in advanced 



3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +20

Hi @heritiana,

proxy module is used to forward commands to remote poller.

Badge +1

Hello @heritiana 

You said you are using reverse zmq, can you check the modules register and the module node are enabled  ?

If enabling both module don’t solve the problem can you share you complete gorgone configuration (/etc/centreon-gorgone* for both the central and the remote), OS used and centreon version used ?

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

I have asked the same question about High CPU usage from gorgone-proxy here :

I have for the moment 1 Central and 4 remote pollers with only 308 services checked.
After a while, i have 99%Cpu and almot 2 of load.
I am runnignCentreon 24.04.2 on AlmaLinux 9.4.


