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I would like to participate in the Debian for central server program.

We have a new datacenter with new vnx environment the delivery date to go into production is the end of June until this date we can work for have Debian env up to date.

At the end is to have 4 nodes cluster.

That possible?




We are currently building Centreon packages for next version 22.04.

Packages will be available first un testing through:

I don’t know your architecture to have 4 nodes cluster. It’s only for the central server?

Hello @Laurent 

tx, today we have a full Centreon environnement Centreon with 2 central 2 DB 1 quorum MAP/BI xxx poller’s

The goal is to profite to move on new datacenter to rebuild same central infra but in Debian.

ps: I have already spoke about that with @Djeneba 


Hi @lamouchedebilou , we doesn’t have yet centreon-ha packaging for Debian but I hope we ill have all packages soon.



@Laurent yes I know, my goal is to start with one central and one database and continue with HA when package will be available. when package on will be available for the moment is empty :)



packages are now available for central and poller
