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I am encountering difficulties monitoring Nutanix through Centreon using SNMPv3.


/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=cloud::nutanix::snmp::plugin --mode=vm-usage --hostname=x.x.x.x --snmp-version='3'  --filter-name='' --warning-avg-latency='' --critical-avg-latency='' --warning-read-iops='' --critical-read-iops='' --warning-write-iops='' --critical-write-iops='' --warning-cpu='' --critical-cpu='' --warning-traffic-in='' --critical-traffic-in='' --warning-traffic-out='' --critical-traffic-out='' --verbose

» UNKNOWN: Missing parameter Security Name.

Do you have a solution for this issue ?

When I use SNMP v2c 


SNMP v3 need you to specify at least an username (or securityName) to works. You need to at least pu the option --snmp-username with your snmpv3 username to your command

If your SNMPv3 setup on your Nutanix require a password, and a passphrase, you also need to specify these options to your command (in EXTRAOPTIONS macro on centreon)


Hope it helps

hello, thanks for your message

I received UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Timeout

Did you activate and set up the SNMP v3 on the Nutanix side?

And does your Centreon server is allowed to request your Nutanix through SNMP ? (firewall rules, whitelist,..)


Yes, I've included the Centreon IP in the whitelist, but I haven't configured the firewall rules yet. How can I proceed with that ?

You need to allow the udp port 161 from your Centreon server to your Nutanix on your firewall

You're the boss, my friend! It's working, and I appreciate it. Thank you !



If you have any ideas for this too ??




You need to install the plugin first, but then there is some configuration to be done

I suggest you to try this doc, it will guide you (plugin installation and configuration) 😉

thank you Vcoum 👍🏻


Hello Vacum,

Thank you. You helped me to solve the issue after many days.
Your’re the best.

My services checks were unknown and the message was : UNKNOWN: Missing parameter Security Name.

So I added in the field SNMPEXTRAOPTIONS of my host in centreon:

--snmp-username XXXXXX

(For information XXXXX = snmpv3 username that put in the file /var/lib/net-snmp/snmpd.conf and /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)

Then the message changed to something like this : you don’t have the rights fort authentications (access denied)

So I completed my entry :

--snmp-username XXXXX --authprotocol SHA --authpassphrase YYYYYY --privprotocol AES --privpassphrase ZZZZZZ

For people who don’t know, you should replace YYYYY and ZZZZZ with your passphrases.

Best of luck.

If somebody needs help, you can send me an email:

