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in order to monitor volumes IN QNAP, 

 /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=storage::qnap::snmp::plugin --mode=volumes --hostname='' --snmp-version='1' --snmp-community='public'  --filter-name='' --warning-space-usage='' --critical-space-usage='' --warning-space-usage-free='' --critical-space-usage-free='' --warning-space-usage-prct='' --critical-space-usage-prct='' --warning-volume-status='%{status} =~ /degraded|warning/i' --critical-volume-status='%{status} =~ /critical/i' --snmp-autoreduce  --verbose


but i get this error: 

UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Timeout

i tryed to add this option but i got this same error : --snmp-timeout='60'


HI @m.lazar do you have network equipment such as firewall can block SNMP on port UPD/161 between your Centreon server and your QNAP?

Hi @Laurent , thank you for your feedback,

Yes, I have a firewall in place. However, I can still access other servers on the SNMP port without any issues.

I was able to monitor the QNAP  until I performed the upgrade.

can you try to use: --snmp-autoreduce

i use it but it didn’t work

I successfully addressed the issue by incorporating these options: --snmp-timeout='10' and --force-counters-legacy.
