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/etc/centreon/ did not return a true value at /usr/share/centreon/cron/ line 63.

the file cat /etc/centreon/ is empty

Hi @Christian JUILLARD this file is empty on your Centreon central server?

yes file is empty on Centreon central serve


It shouldn’t be! Can you create it from with template:

# File Added by Centreon

$centreon_config = {
VarLib => "/var/lib/centreon",
CentreonDir => "/usr/share/centreon/",
CacheDir => "/var/cache/centreon",
"centreon_db" => "centreon",
"centstorage_db" => "centreon_storage",
"db_host" => "localhost:3306",
"db_user" => "CENTREON_DB_USERNAME",
"db_passwd" => 'CENTREON_DB_PASSWORD'

# Central, Remote or Poller ?
$instance_mode = "central";

# Centreon Centcore Command File
$cmdFile = "/var/lib/centreon/centcore.cmd";

# Deprecated format of Config file.
$mysql_user = "centreon";
$mysql_passwd = 'centreon';
$mysql_host = "localhost:3306";
$mysql_database_oreon = "CENTREON_DB_USERNAME";
$mysql_database_ods = "CENTREON_DB_PASSWORD";


Change CENTREON_DB_USERNAME & CENTREON_DB_PASSWORD with your information from /etc/centreon/centreon.conf.php

Set correct rights:

chmod 660 /etc/centreon/
chown centreon: /etc/centreon/

Restart Centreon processes:

systemctl restart centreon


in commande line : 


root@linux-centreon:/etc/cron.d# mysql -ucentreon -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 50231
Server version: 10.5.25-MariaDB-deb11 binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

When i execute the script : 

root@linux-centreon:/etc/cron.d# /usr/share/centreon/cron/
Couldn't connect: Access denied for user 'centreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


and also with the centreon user
centreon@linux-centreon:/etc/cron.d$ /usr/share/centreon/cron/
Couldn't connect: Access denied for user 'centreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Oups sorry I made a mistake:

# File Added by Centreon

$centreon_config = {
VarLib => "/var/lib/centreon",
CentreonDir => "/usr/share/centreon/",
CacheDir => "/var/cache/centreon",
"centreon_db" => "centreon",
"centstorage_db" => "centreon_storage",
"db_host" => "localhost:3306",
"db_user" => "CENTREON_DB_USERNAME",
"db_passwd" => 'CENTREON_DB_PASSWORD'

# Central, Remote or Poller ?
$instance_mode = "central";

# Centreon Centcore Command File
$cmdFile = "/var/lib/centreon/centcore.cmd";

# Deprecated format of Config file.
$mysql_user = "CENTREON_DB_USERNAME";
$mysql_passwd = 'CENTREON_DB_PASSWORD';
$mysql_host = "localhost:3306";
$mysql_database_oreon = "centreon";
$mysql_database_ods = "centreon_storage";


it’s works. Thanks

