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Hello everyone so i’ve noticed that there exists certain plugins majorly used in an older centreon solution however I can’t seem to find them on the new repo I’ve git cloned, like these:

and normally if they appeared by running the perl cent_plugin command then they’re installed by default in centreon no? if so why do they not exist in new repo? even in github I can’t seem to find them?

Hi ​@xorya it look like you used a clone of

We have packaged these plugins for enterprise Linux and Debian system.

You must use packaged Centreon plugins.

@Laurent I’ve checked the link you sent, I don’t see those plugins there either? I need to use the exact same ones that theyve used before, so I need to clone the nexenta, vrops, hds..etc 

@Laurent or do they not exist anymore?

@xorya name of one of them, usually they are listed as deprecated. I am wondering to confirm if it is one from Centreon and to help you find it.

@ponchoh “sotrage/nexenta” “hardware/hds” “apps/vrops” i Cant find them anywhere but i find a duplicate path for them in the old vm under “nagios”

HI, if they are not in our Github, maybe it means that they had been developed by other one.

Can you send me sources from your previous server?


I’m not sure what you mean but this is the path for one of them “
” when I run “ find / -type d -name "hds" 2>/dev/null”

and this is a command check example for one of them:

perl /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon-plugins/ --plugin=network::nexenta::rest::plugin --mode=alert --custommode="api" --ssl-opt="SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE" --hostname="x.x.x.x" --port=xxxx --proto="https" --username='supervision' --password=***

I can’t find it.

You can try for some --help to see if it gives you some info

perl /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon-plugins/ --plugin=network::nexenta::rest::plugin --help


I do not see that path




maybe ?

@ponchoh I think it’s developped internally because I can’t find anything either, thank you either way
