Hello Guys,
I’ve passed the last 24 hours reading related topics to my problem, but none of the fix worked for me. Let me explain.
I have a free version of Centreon, runing on Almalinux 9.5 on a sandbox hyper-v. This is my first mistake, it’s not backed up !
It was runing smoothly until yesterday when I uptated from 24.10.4 to 24.10.5. Since then, Central il not running in Poller menu and last update status is in yellow at the date/hour I did the update yesterday :

As well as the following error in the ressources status screen :

Except that, everyting is running fine. I have all my hosts and services in the configuration menu.
CBD, Centengine and Gorgoned are running. I restarted the services, and the server itself. But still can’t come back to running state.
I’m not very expert in linux, so I struggle a bit to go over the logs at 11:17am on 24th march (last update of the Central).
Thank you for your help :)