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Hello everybody,

I’m trying to test centreon as a POC in order to switch from nagios monitoring to CENTREON.

For now I am not able to monitor services for Dell OS10 / S-Series network devices.

I tried two different monitoring connectors but it’s not working :

  1. the Dell S-series connector create the services but that doesn’t seem to match the OIDs as i’m getting“UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Cant get a single value” for “memory” and “cpu” services (though, the “hardware-global” service is working)
  2. the Dell OS10 SNMP connector create the services but none is working (execute command failed). Indeed, the command calls a but it seems that the perl script was not downloaded/installed when I activate the connector

I am using a fresh vmware ova (alam-linux8) and ran the update successfully ( dnf update centreon\* )

Is there a way to get the “” script in order to test that services monitoring is working ?

To complete, I am also monitoring a Dell N-serie using the N-Serie connector and it’s working fine.
For the S-Serie, I mainly have S4100 models but I also have Z9200 (reason why i need S-series monitoring and OS10 but if the OS10 works on both it fits me).



@Secast 👋

for #1


UNKNOWN: SNMP GET Request : Can't get a single value

SNMP Plugins request one or several OIDs from the target devices' MIBS. When it doesn't obtain a value for one of these OIDs, it returns an UNKNOWN state to warn the user.

Frequently, the device doesn't ship the MIB or one of the OIDs the Plugin utilizes. In other words, the Plugin used is not suitable for this device.


is this the one you are using?


for #2 what is the error/perl missing?



#1 yes that’s the error i’m getting.I have read this article which conclude in :


In other words, the Plugin used is not suitable for this device.


That’s why I’m asking if somebody is using the Dell S-Serie plugin to monitor S-Series Dell networking devices as it seems that it is not suitable for my S4148/S4128 devices 😅


#2 the error is

(Execute command failed)


So I went to check for the command used by the service (load for exemple) wich is :




So I went for executing the command (as root or as centreon-engine user, same result) but as stated in my orgininal post, the script just doesn’t exist in the system (neither in the plugins directory, nor anywhere else)


I finally managed to get the perl script missing.


When you install the plugin for OS10 through the connector, you also have to install the package from cli :  

dnf install centreon-plugin-Network-Dell-Os10-Snmp

Now the perl script can be launched as expected and I’m getting metrics.


However, there is a “bug” in the swap service command.When you look at the command detail you can see all args used :


It seems to be missing a carriage return between two arguments making the command believe all the line is the arg value.

As a consequence, the service is showing the following error :

UNKNOWN: Wrong critical-usage-prct threshold '90--warning-usage-free=20'.

Does anybody know how I can “fix” this behaviour ?


Great to hear you were able to install them!

Which version of the pack are you using? the format appears to be ok on 

rpm -qai centreon-pack-network-dell-os10-snmp
Version : 25.01.2
Release : 1.el9


I don’t have any centreon-pack-network-dell-os10-snmp but i do have a centreon-plugin-Network-Dell-Os10-Snmp :

Name        : centreon-plugin-Network-Dell-Os10-Snmp
Version     : 20250114
Release     : 094704.el8
