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I can't really disable token from the VM

Hi to all, I’m here today because I’m (dumb) stuck with my token management, I did some mistakes managing this.

I installed multiple Centreon instances in my test momentum (tried differents linux distros because of some bugs with exports or graphs), before to take care of the mention that i’m able to activate the token on only 3 instances, and obviously I destroyed the 2 others testing VMs without dissociate the token...

Btw, I still have the last testing VM, I can use the button to dissociate the token from my last testing instance, that visibly sounds good but after that i’m not able to associate the token on the brand new VM.

Centreon accepts the token but tells me “already activated with 3 other instances”, and asks me to choose a subscription.

I can certifiate that I only have 1 instance being and running and dissociated, I tried the tips mentionned in others threads :

-checked the API url, that’s ok and responds

-checked the license manager log ("message", "No subscription found.")

-tried the database update tips to delete the token

It seems that the cloud don’t care about the dissociate action ?

I also sent mail to sophie and no response, but maybe sophie needs subscription to support.

Is there a way to reuse my IT 100 token or am I definitly stucked ?

Thanks to you.

19 replies

Userlevel 6
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HI @quentin.b can you send my your token by PM?

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@Laurent done. thanks


Hi all,

Something very similar happened to me.

I started with Centreon 21.04 on Alma and made some upgrade tests to 22.04 on VMs view month ago.

Now I try to switch to Centreon 22.04 on Debian and started with a new installation. As in the upper case Centreon accepts the token but tells me that i have already activated 3 other instances.

Meanwhile I had a system change and unfortunately I have deleted one VM without ‘unlink your platform’. 

On another VM i was able to unlink the platform but nothing changes. I’m not able to use the token again.

I have checked all possible issues as described in ‘I cannot register my token’ but nothing fits.

Currently I’m running one instance associated with my IT 100 token…all other VMs are deleted or disassociated.

Is there a way to reuse my token ?

best regards


Userlevel 6
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Hi @dietmar  can you send me your token by PM?


I’ve the exact same issue. Recreate multiple times the Centreon environment for different scenarios, and now I’m stuck.

Thanks for the help.


Userlevel 6
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Hi @sys4life Centreon IT allows you to test different scenarios on the same platform. It is not necessary to create one instance per scenario.

Contant me in PM to give me the fingerprint of your last Centreon instance using “Administration > Extensions > Manager” menu and by clicking on “Get fingerprint” button.


Badge +1

Same for me with en IT100


Now I don’t have anymore the button “add token” but only a button “choose subscription”


Could you help me

Userlevel 6
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Hi @sbourdette can yo utry to execute following SQL request on your ‘centreon’ database:

DELETE FROM options WHERE options.key IN ('impCompanyToken', 'impInfo');


Badge +1

Hi @Laurent,


Thanks for the tip. Deleting these 2 lines allow me to put my token again but I have a message :

2023-03-14 20:41|0|0|[RestConflictException] : {"code":409,"message":"Instance already registered.","company":"@LACCESS.XXXXXXXXX


Could you help me ?


I send you my fingerprint in PM


Hello everybody,

I experienced a similar incident.

Prior to a month ago, I started with Centreon 21.04 on Alma and performed some upgrade testing to 22.04 on VMs View.

I'm now attempting to transition to Centreon 22.04 on Debian and have a fresh installation. 

Centreon accepts the token as in the upper case, but informs me that I have already activated three other instances.

I inadvertently destroyed one virtual machine without selecting "unlink your platform" while I was making system changes in the meantime.

I was able to unlink the platform on another VM, but nothing changed. 

I can't use the token once more.

I've looked through every potential problem listed under "I cannot register my token," but nothing seems to fit.

Currently I’m running one instance associated with my IT 100 token…all other VMs are deleted or disassociated.

Is there a way to reuse my token ?

best regards

Userlevel 6
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Hi @Lothaire Beaufort , contact me in PM and give me the fingerprint of platforms that you want to keep associated IT-100.



Badge +3

Hello everyone,
I have the same problem. When I activate my license on my vm, I have no problems but when I look in /var/log/centreon/license-manager.log, I have the message {“code”:409, “message”: “Instance already registered.”, “company”:“@LACCESS.xxxxxxxxx-6b07ed664219”, “fingerprint”: “XXXXXXX-XXXXX”}

I tried this SQL request : 

DELETE FROM options WHERE options.key IN ('impCompanyToken', 'impInfo');

but still have the same message after add the token.

Userlevel 6
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Hi @AntoninMHBSI did you used 3 times your license key?

Badge +3

Hi @Laurent ,

yes, I've used the license key 3 times but it's only connected to one instance.

Userlevel 6
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Hi @AntoninMHBSI can you send me be PM your LKEY ?

Badge +3


J’ai le même problème.  J’ai supprimé des VM des test sans désactiver la licence.

Du coup, je ne peux plus lier  de serveur sur la licence. Pouvez supprimer tous les serveurs attachés à la licence suivante :

Tous les serveurs liés a cette licence ont été supprimés lors de mes tests précédents.




Hi guys,

I'm facing a similar issue. I migrated a Centreon IT-100 from RHEL 7 to Debian 11. Now, I would like to register the new platform with a new token, but I'm encountering this issue:
"code":409,"message":"Instance already registered.","company":"@LACCESS….

I tried to delete the license, but I don't have the option to unregister the platform on either the old server or the new one.

Can anyone kindly assist me with this?


Hi @Laurent 

I did some mistakes managing my token too.
I use it on old virtualmachines i deleted but i didn’t disable my token on these.

You can disable all the previous activation of my IT-100 because i can’t activate my new server.

Best regards,

Userlevel 6
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Hi @kurosagi59 you IT-100 token can be used on maximum 3 Centreon server.

Can you send me in PM your LKEY that you received by email?

