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Centreon labs

Welcome to Centreon Labs!

  • 3 June 2024
  • 0 replies

We are excited to present Centreon Labs, an initiative designed to foster innovation and accelerate development by involving our community. Centreon Labs represents a significant step forward in our commitment to open-source development, transparency, and collaborative innovation.


As Centreon continues to grow, we are inspired by the increasing number of innovative ideas emerging from our expanding user base and workforce. This growth has highlighted the need for a platform where these ideas can be explored, developed and tested before being fully integrated into our product. Centreon Labs was conceived to address this need, providing a space to experiment with new concepts and reward our technical users by offering them a way to access and contribute to the tools we're building.

What is Centreon Labs?

Centreon Labs was created to harness the power of community collaboration. Here’s what Centreon Labs encompasses:

Why Open Source?

We believe in the power of open-source development for several reasons:

  • Transparency: Anyone can independently verify the security of our features
  • Community Engagement: Open source aligns with our strategy of openness and active engagement with our community.
  • Collaboration: By opening our projects to the public, we encourage collaboration and the exchange of ideas, leading to more robust and innovative solutions.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Users can modify open-source software to better suit their specific needs, promoting a more personalized and effective use of the solutions we provide.
  • AGPL License: We use the AGPL license to ensure that any copy or modification of the code remains open-source, maintaining the integrity of our projects.

What Happens When a Project is Integrated into Centreon?

When a project from Centreon Labs is integrated into Centreon, the GitHub repository will be archived. This means the source code will still be available, but no additional commits will be made. The corresponding article on the Centreon Labs group will also be archived. Links to the official documentation regarding the new Centreon feature will be provided, ensuring that users can easily find and use the integrated functionality.

How to Contribute

We encourage the community to give us feedback, share ideas, or even submit pull requests for Centreon Labs projects. The Centreon Labs group on The Watch is the primary place to gather all issues, ideas, and comments. Therefore, issues on GitHub are closed, and we encourage you to post any remarks in a comment on the project or via our public Slack channel.

Pull requests are open, and we will accept them as long as they meet our requirements.


It is important to note that projects in the CentreonLabs GitHub organization are experimental. We do not provide support, warranties, or liability for these projects.


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