I am encountering persistent authentication issues while trying to access the REST API of a Dell ME4012 storage system. Despite providing valid credentials and testing multiple configurations, the REST API consistently returns an Authentication Unsuccessful error.
Steps to Reproduce
Attempt to log in to the Dell ME4012 REST API using curl:
curl -k -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username": "Admin", "password": "Password"}'
Observe the following response:
<OBJECT basetype="status" name="status" oid="1">
<PROPERTY name="response" type="string" display-name="Response">Invalid sessionkey</PROPERTY>
Attempted the same with both controllers ( and, but the same error occurs.
Repeated the test with:
HTTP Basic Authentication
Both curl and the centreon_dell_me4_restapi.pl plugin
No changes in the outcome.
Expected Behavior
Authentication should succeed with valid credentials, returning a session key to enable further API interactions.
Actual Behavior
Every login attempt fails with:/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_dell_me4_restapi.pl --plugin=storage::dell::me4::restapi::plugin --mode=hardware --hostname='' --api-username='Admin' --api-password='Password' --port='443' --proto='https' --http-backend=curl --insecure --curl-opt="CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0" --curl-opt="CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 0" --timeout='30' --component='' --verbose
Login endpoint returns an error: 'Authentication Unsuccessful'
Troubleshooting Steps Taken
Verified that the credentials (Admin, Password) are valid by logging into the Dell ME4012 web interface successfully.
Tested API access from both controllers:
Controller A:
Controller B:
System Information
Model: Dell ME4012
Firmware Version: GT280R014-01
Controller A:
Controller B: