Hi !
During Centreon Summit,
This tool is CentCTL. Developed in Golang by YPSI, it can be used on Windows, Linux and MacOS systems.It can manage several instances of Centreon with a single command.
Whether you want to import, export resources or manage Centreon in real time, CentCTL offers a simple interface, with built-in help.
It uses Centreon's APIv1 and APIv2 and manages platforms from 2.8 version to the latest version.
What are the use cases?
You want to export the elements of a production platform to a test platform ? In a single command, the entire configuration is exported and imported to Centreon Target.
Automate a check or a submit by a script in Powershell? This is also possible with CentCTL under Windows.
Multiple output formats are also available like CSV, YAML or JSon.
You can download the Opensource version at https://github.com/YPSI-SAS/centctl
Please don't hesitate to send us feedback of your CentCtl usage!