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Hello everyone!

I’ve recently started translating the Centreon project into the german language. As I’m sure that there’ll be quite a few questions that’ll come up in the process, I am creating this topic.

In this topic, I’ll briefly describe the process of how I’m approaching the translation. Additionally, I will describe problems or questions that I’ve encountered.



My approach is relatively simple to summarize: So far, I’ve simply followed the dev guide on how to translate the Centreon project. I’m currently using POEdit for the translation.



This section summarizes problems I’ve encountered during the translation process. Let’s hope that this section stays small in size :P



This section lists questions that I had/have while translating. I hope the “Conversation” topic type is still correct.

  • Should brand or component names be translated (e.g. “Broker Daemon”, “Monitoring Engine”, “centreon-engine”)?
  • Do the files “help.po” and “messages.po” contain all strings that need translation or are there any additional documents?
  • Are there any rules in place regarding the use of abbreviations?
  • Some strings contain missing spaces or periods in the middle of the sentence, should those be ‘reported’ seperatedly?
  • Where should I ask more specific questions? For example, this thread format seems unfit for smaller questions regarding specific terms, sentences or the meaning of phrases. Currently, I do this by adding comments in POEdit and marking the sentences as “Revision required”.


I’m currently doing this as a side project, so there’s a good chance that this will take some time to complete. However, I’m certainly willing to do this. That’s it for now! I’ll keep this updated as I move through the process and as soon as there’s something to add.

Hey @Joe!
Thank you for your valuable contribution. @Laurent will come back to you to answer your questions. And keep us informed of the evolution of this great project :relaxed:

Hey @Fabrix, thank you for your reply!

I’m looking forward to working with you guys.

I’ve currently progressed about ~40% through help.po, however quite a few additional questions have come up since. I’d like to add them to the original post, however there sadly isn’t an edit option.

Kind regards

Hey @Joe
Normally, you have the possibility to modify your content by clicking on the three little dots at the bottom right of your post, then "Edit".

But if you can't, post your question as a comment to your first post. We'll use this comment thread to exchange information until the end of the project :slight_smile:


Hi @Joe,

Some answers to your questions:


Should brand or component names be translated (e.g. “Broker Daemon”, “Monitoring Engine”, “centreon-engine”)?

If it is easier to understand, you can translate "Centreon Engine", "Centreon Broker". For example in French "Centreon Engine" is translated by "Moteur de supervision". On the other hand, everything relating to the name of the processes (cbd, centengine, gorgoned, etc.) or the name of the users with whom the processes are to be executed (centreon-engine, centreon-broker, etc.) must not be translated.

Do the files “help.po” and “messages.po” contain all strings that need translation or are there any additional documents?

Maybe not, that is way you need to execute the translation script and merge your file with the *.pot

Are there any rules in place regarding the use of abbreviations?

No, it all depends on the terms used by the community.

Some strings contain missing spaces or periods in the middle of the sentence, should those be ‘reported’ seperatedly?

Some strings are described on several lines. For example in the help.pot files. You must do the same for your translation.

But if the original string contains errors, you need first to make a pull request to ask to fix the original string, then translate it. Because translation use the original string as ID.

Where should I ask more specific questions? For example, this thread format seems unfit for smaller questions regarding specific terms, sentences or the meaning of phrases. Currently, I do this by adding comments in POEdit and marking the sentences as “Revision required”.

We can discuss about this here or on slack.



Great!   But i come from china ,Can anyone translate it into Chinese?

Hi @hqm199, We don't have Centreon in Chinese yet. You could volunteer to do the translation if you are interested. We will be happy to accompany you on this project 😊

Alright, I’ve finished the translation and created a pull request on the centreon project.

Here’s a couple of things I took away from this project:

  • This quick write-up in the documentation helps you get the required environment set up:
  • You can also download the translation files to a Windows environment. All you need is something to execute the shell script with.
  • As previously mentioned, I used POEdit for the translation. From what I can see, all the other translations have been created with this tool as well. I can also recommend this tool, it allows for easy translation and highlights certain types of errors or possible mistakes such as trailing spaces, linebreaks, missing punctuation, etc. It also allows you to mark a string as “in need of a rework”, which lets you return to things later on or leave comments.
  • I copied the translation metadata format, which is present in every .po file, from the centreon github.
  • I would advise to set up a test environment, in which you can regularly review your translation in the UI. This helps especially with strings missing context. I did this by setting up a simple VM from the centreon .iso.
  • If you’re familiar with the software itself, a lot of terms become recognizable quickly, since they appear multiple times in different places in the project. I’ve noticed that it is advisable to take note of these terms (e.g. Alert, downtime, Service, Host, etc.) and the translation you’ve used in a separate document so you can refer to it at any time. This helps to produce a more streamlined translation which in turn makes it easier for the end user to navigate the product.
  • The previous is also true for entire sentences or parts of a sentence. Identical wording especially with sentences containing adjectives that describe a certain function or relation are essential to properly convey the meaning. After I was done translating, I looked through the strings again and again, looking for similarities and then streamlining identical wordings.

And here are a couple of things that, in my opinion, still need improvement in the english translation:

  • The last two bulletpoints in regard to streamlining the translation would also benefit the english translation imo. There’s a lot of strings that seem to want to say the same thing but use a different structure to express that.
  • This also applies to terms used to describe the same thing. An option, as in, a value that can be set by a user (either to true, false or a set value), is sometimes referred to as “option”, sometimes “setting”, then “directive” and other times “field”. Using identical wording across all strings would greatly benefit the readability by the end user.
  • Lastly, there’s still quite a few strings that have confusing or simply poor wording or errors. I’ve noted all instances of that in a seperate file and will probably come back to that sometimes in the future.


Other than that, @Kriko and especially @Laurent were a huge help in the translation process by answering tons of questions I had regarding individual strings. So a huge thanks to them!

And that’s about it! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to hit me up!

Hi @Joe 


We recently reorganized the Centreon repositories and changed our CI/CD.

We moved all Open Sources Github to only one repository and did the same for commercial modules.

We have also completely changed the way we generate our packages using Github's automation tools and this process is still ongoing.

Moreover, we are removing RHEL v7 packages to add v9 support.


Once this work is completed, we will be able to include the German and Italian translations more easily.

This will also allow us to facilitate the recovery of missing translations and to share them with you.


I hope that we will be able to integrate the new translations within 2 months for all supported Centreon version.



Hi everyone,

for a complete german translation you should add the localization for the weekdays, weekdaysShort and the time formats. 

At the moment when creating a de_DE.UTF-8 folder under /usr/share/centreon/www/locale/ has only effect for the php pages but not for the new react.js pages. For example SetDownTime or the hour-format in the top bar. The time format or date format doesn’t change in this pages.

You should add the locale “de” in the list of imports.



Hi @rmorandell , we added DE translation to Centreon :

But we suppose that some translation are not perfect. Can you check?

Hi @Laurent ..  @Joe was adding the DE translation. I was asking for the dateTime formats for the react pages like Resource Status Page or the Set DownTime or simple the DateTime in the Top right of the GUI ..

you should add “import ‘dayjs/locale/de’ to the import list to make it complete.


Thank you for your feedback, I created a ticket for frontend dev team to add missing import.


Hey @Laurent, as it usually is, I’ve been busy with some other things. 

Is there something left for me to contribute for the translation to make it into the product? I’ve checked what @rmorandell linked and it seems that the import hasn’t been added yet.


