when you say merge, will it be the same template with “v1-2 OR v3”, and I can choose to use either?
As in if I put some snmp v3 macro on a host template for all my linux, but decide I still want to use v2 on some linux I couldn’t modify to v3, will the check commands be able to use the correct parameters by setting the snmp version to 2c or 3 ?
Hi @christophe.niel-ACT,
By “merge” I mean the v3 template will be introduced to the standard Linux SNMP pack without changing the v1/v2 one. There will be two templates.
What is the status of the SNMPv3 connector? I upgraded a test server from Centreon v23 to v24 and the previously installed v3 connector remains listed as “Experimental”, yet I cannot get the “OS-Linux-SNMPv3-Storage-Discover” to scan for any disks even though the “OS-Linux-Disk-Global-SNMPv3-custom” shows disks and running the discovery from the command-line shows as well.
The only possible information explaining a problem I found in the gorgoned.log file where it shows this during a scan:
2024-05-13 16:03:41 - ERROR - :autodiscovery] -servicediscovery- b848bd5f:1 clapi username configuration missing
The discovery command looks correct so I don’t know why it fails.
I also noticed I cannot re-install the pack as “dnf install centreon-pack-operatingsystems-linux-snmpv3”, shown on the docs page for the connector, fails to find the package in any v24 repo. Perhaps you need to port it over?
Hi @fvinancano_dtt,
What is the status of the SNMPv3 connector? I upgraded a test server from Centreon v23 to v24 and the previously installed v3 connector remains listed as “Experimental”
The status of the Monitoring Connector is not linked to the major version of Centreon, they all have their own versioning timeline.
yet I cannot get the “OS-Linux-SNMPv3-Storage-Discover” to scan for any disks even though the “OS-Linux-Disk-Global-SNMPv3-custom” shows disks and running the discovery from the command-line shows as well.
The only possible information explaining a problem I found in the gorgoned.log file where it shows this during a scan:
2024-05-13 16:03:41 - ERROR - 0autodiscovery] -servicediscovery- b848bd5f:1 clapi username configuration missing
The discovery command looks correct so I don’t know why it fails.
This message clapi username configuration missing
suggests that your /etc/centreon-gorgone/config.d/31-centreon-api.yaml
is not completely configured.
I also noticed I cannot re-install the pack as “dnf install centreon-pack-operatingsystems-linux-snmpv3”, shown on the docs page for the connector, fails to find the package in any v24 repo. Perhaps you need to port it over?
The Monitoring Connectors (formerly named Plugin Packs) are not delivered on a repository that is related to a major version of Centreon but are on their own repository. You may find how to add them in the knowledge base in your space in https://support.centreon.com/.
This message clapi username configuration missing
suggests that your /etc/centreon-gorgone/config.d/31-centreon-api.yaml
is not completely configured.
I discovered the following on checking and comparing to a server backup from before the upgrade: the file had been renamed “31-centreon-api.yaml.rpmsave” and a new file “centreon-api.yaml.new” was now present - thus neither were of course being used by Centreon. So I renamed back the original file and restarted the Centreon services, then scanning worked again.
As for the other things you replied, I will look into it and report back what I discover.
Thank-you for the help.
- Does it fit your needs? yes no pb
- Is it easy enough to use? yes
- Is the documentation clear? yes :-)
just seems for me important to give a link to mibs standard snmp and doc snmpv3:-)
Hi @dagabard,
Can you explain what you are expecting regarding this:
just seems for me important to give a link to mibs standard snmp and doc snmpv3:-)
Standard MIBs are easily available (for example installing snmp-mibs-downloader
on Debian) and vendor MIBs must be provided by your vendors.
And regarding SNMP v3, what would you like? A summary of how it works?
just link the snmp v3 or snmp documentation. Someone need it