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Hello everyone,

I am using Centreon and ArubaOS-CX to retrieve information from my Aruba Instant On 1960 switch (CPU, Memory, Network Interfaces, etc.).

However, when I try to use it, the service status shows as "(Execute command failed)".

Has anyone encountered this issue before and found a solution?


this can happen if you didn’t install the “connector” on the poller, this can be done either by activating this option at the top of the connector manager ‘automatic installation of plugin’

(this will normally tell the poller to do an “apt get” or “yum install” of the missing plugin when you push the poller configuration)

or by manually installing the connector as explained on each documentation page of each connectors as for example here :

a connector is made in 2 parts, the “connector pack” you activate on the connecter manager, this only configure the web ui and gives you the template, and the “connector” itself which is a perl command line that is installed locally on each pollers.

one way to check if the connector is correctly installed is to copy the command from the ressource status in the information panel (the command is at the bottom of the panel) and paste it in the ssh shell of the poller, and look what is the error message.
