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I currently facing a problem when I want to install “centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon” to monitor my ESX.


It seems that perl(ZMQ::Constants) is required/necessary to do the installation. 

I already tried to install perl(ZMQ::Constants) with cpan “cpan ZMQ::Constants” :


It looks like ZMQ::Constants is up to date … 

I checked on internet and it seems like no one got the problem, so I’m really lost at this point. 

I have installed Centreon on a Oracle 9. I installed packages perl-ZMQ-libZMQ4, perl-VMware-VSphere 


Is someone already faced this problem ? 


Hope I’ll get answer. 


I don’t know why I can’t edit my previous message. 

Just checked if ZMQ::Constants was installed

And, yeah, ZMQ is already installed. 

Any tips ?


I’ve the same issue … and i’ve ZMQ::Constants 1.04



I’ve the same issue … and i’ve ZMQ::Constants 1.04



I just switched to Centos7 and the problem was solved. I don’t know why this problem occured on Oracle 

Hello guys,

We have the same issue on our RHEL 9 machine:

[root@centreon ~]# cpan ZMQ::CONSTANTS
Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging
Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
  Database was generated on Tue, 20 Jun 2023 06:17:02 GMT
>(error): Could not expand ZMQ::CONSTANTS]. Check the module name.
>(info): I can suggest names if you install one of Text::Levenshtein::XS, Text::Levenshtein::Damerau::XS, Text::Levenshtein, and Text::Levenshtein::Damerau::PP
>(info): and you provide the -x option on invocation.
>(error): Skipping ZMQ::CONSTANTS because I couldn't find a matching namespace.
>root@lscentreon ~]# instmodsh
Available commands are:
   l            - List all installed modules
   m <module>   - Select a module
   q            - Quit the program
cmd? l
Installed modules are:
cmd? q


We need help here, because we can’t just downgrade to RHEL/CentOS 7.

Hi all, sorry for that, and for my late answer.

According to me it has been fixed a while ago, and my tests show that it’s OK now.

Can you confirm?

I have a similar error. ZMQ Constants is installed. 

Status information

UNKNOWN: Cannot load module --custommode.

Can't load '/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/ZMQ/LibZMQ4/' for module ZMQ::LibZMQ4: Ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type at /usr/share/perl5/ line 96.


Any help please? i dont have access to the internet from my environment. I am searching in the downloads for the right package but cannot progress. 


~]# cpan -l | grep ZMQ

Loading internal null logger. Install Log::Log4perl for logging messages

ZMQ::FFI        1.19

ZMQ::FFI::Constants     1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ContextRole   1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ErrorHelper   1.19

ZMQ::FFI::SocketRole    1.19

ZMQ::FFI::Util  1.19

ZMQ::FFI::Versioner     1.19

ZMQ::FFI::Custom::Raw   1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ2::Context 1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ2::Raw     1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ2::Socket  1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ3::Context 1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ3::Raw     1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ3::Socket  1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4::Context 1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4::Raw     1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4::Socket  1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4_1::Context       1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4_1::Raw   1.19

ZMQ::FFI::ZMQ4_1::Socket        1.19

ZMQ::LibZMQ4    0.01

ZMQ::Constants  1.04

ZMQ::Constants::V2_1_11 undef

ZMQ::Constants::V3_1_1  undef

ZMQ::Constants::V3_1_2  undef

ZMQ::Constants::V4_0_4  undef

vendor_perl::ZMQ::LibZMQ4       0.01

vendor_perl::ZMQ::Constants     1.04

vendor_perl::ZMQ::Constants::V2_1_11    undef

vendor_perl::ZMQ::Constants::V3_1_1     undef

vendor_perl::ZMQ::Constants::V3_1_2     undef

vendor_perl::ZMQ::Constants::V4_0_4     undef


We are working on this issue. The fix will be released as soon as possible.

Hi @omercier ,


I have the same kind of issue when I want to supervise a VMWare ESX :


Centreon 24.04 runs on Debian Bookworm.

I tried to install ZMQ with packets, everything seems good until the following error appear :


Thanks in advance.

Alors, d’après mes petites recherches concernant l’erreur de module ZMQ sur Centreon 24.04 sous Debian Bookworm :

Il faut installer les outils de développements nécessaires au traitement du module perl ZMQ :

apt-get install build-essential


Puis installer ‘cpanminus’  pour installer les modules perl, car ‘cpan’ peut rencontrer des problèmes lors des installations :

apt-get install cpanminus

cpanm ZMQ::Constants


(Si ‘cpanm’ ne fonctionne pas non plus voici les commandes pour installer les modules manuellement :

wget tar -xzvf ZMQ-Constants-1.04.tar.gz cd ZMQ-Constants-1.04 perl Makefile.PL make make install


Vérifiez que les modules se soient bien installé en demandant à voir la version de ces derniers :

perl -MZMQ::Constants -e 'print $ZMQ::Constants::VERSION'


L’output va se lier avec le pwd, donc c’est bizarre, mais ça fonctionne bien, ‘1.04’ est la version :


Enfin, redémarrer les services Centreon :
systemctl restart centreon


Pour ma part, ceci n’a pas suffit, j’ai dû installer le module ‘ZMQ:LibZMQ3’ en plus :

cpanm ZMQ::LibZMQ3


Vérification de la version :

perl -MZMQ::LibZMQ3 -e 'print $ZMQ::LibZMQ3::VERSION'

Redémarrage des services Centreon :

systemctl restart centreon


Pour ma part, les erreurs sont passées de ‘UNKNOWN : Cannot load module’ à ‘ UNKNOWN: Cannot get response (timeout received) ‘

Je suppose qu’il y a du mieux :)


After some researches about ZMQ module’s error on Centreon 24.04 under Debian Bookworm :


You seems have to install development tools needed to process perl module ZMQ

apt-get install build-essential


Then install ‘cpanminus’ to be able to install perl modules, because ‘cpan’ can face some issues while installing those :

apt-get install cpanminus

cpanm ZMQ::Constants


(If ‘cpanm’ does not work either, here is the command lines to install modules manually :


tar -xzvf ZMQ-Constants-1.04.tar.gz

cd ZMQ-Constants-1.04

perl Makefile.PL


make install



Check the modules are well installed by printing their version :

perl -MZMQ::Constants -e 'print $ZMQ::Constants::VERSION'


The output will merge with the pwd, it’s weird, but it works. ‘1.04’ is the version :


Finally, restart Centreon services :
systemctl restart centreon


For me, this was not enough, I had to install ‘ZMQ:LibZMQ3’ module :

cpanm ZMQ::LibZMQ3


Checking version :

perl -MZMQ::LibZMQ3 -e 'print $ZMQ::LibZMQ3::VERSION'

Restarting Centreon services :

systemctl restart centreon



For me, errors went from ‘UKNOWN : Cannot load module’ to ‘UNKNOWN : Cannot get response (timeout received)’

It’s better I suppose :)
