
Centreon BI Hostgroup-Storage-Capacity-2 wrong result

  • 29 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Badge +9



I use report design     Hostgroup-Storage-Capacity-2. How is it possible that report returns wrong value? I have two storages which have 95TB, but a result of my job returns me 190 TB for each storage. I don’t know how it's possible. 

Also for report design     Hostgroup-Storage-Capacity-2, which it calculates is used to create that report?




1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +14


could you screenshot your report parameters please?

and also a detailled output of the service check you used for your report to see which metric the service contains? (the performance data on the “Details” tab)


I ask because I didn’t like the disk output and used a tweak to have 2 metrics “used” and “size” on a disk, forcing the graph to display the limit, so I had to add an exclusion on the report otherwise the size was doubled like you have

my exclusion looks like this 

because I named the metric “size”


other stuff need to be check like categories, host group etc… please send screenshot
