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Hello community,

Please, can someone educate me on a problem that I am encountering with Centreon MBI, I cannot find the data on the tables, they are all empty.

The diagnosis does not give me any error.

the reconstruction procedure on the documentation leads to nothing.

weeks without any results.

any ideas please?



Any Help PLZ?


On your MBI server there is an automated process (cron) that imports data from the Central every day. Check through the Logs that this import is being carried out or that there is a problem with permissions, connection...



can you provide the result of the following commands, running them on the MBI server 

/usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/  --db-content



(this one has a long output, and creates a log file, you could send that)


and from mysql command, also from the mariadb on the MBI

show databases;

use centreon_storage

show tables;


Edit and I’ll add that 

`table_schema` = 'centreon_storage';


Hi @christophe.niel-ACT sorry for late;


proot@Srv-Centreon-MBI ~]# /usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/  --db-content
Table mod_bi_hoststateevents: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_servicestateevents: EMPTY] Ymod_bi_time: 2024-08-02 00:00:00] 0Table mod_bi_hostavailability: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_serviceavailability: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_hgmonthavailability: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_hgservicemonthavailability: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_metricdailyvalue: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_metricmonthcapacity: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_metrichourlyvalue: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_metriccentiledailyvalue: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_metriccentilemonthlyvalue: EMPTY] YTable mod_bi_metriccentileweeklyvalue: EMPTY]
root@Srv-Centreon-MBI ~]#
root@Srv-Centreon-MBI ~]#
root@Srv-Centreon-MBI ~]#
root@Srv-Centreon-MBI ~]#
root@Srv-Centreon-MBI ~]# /usr/share/centreon-bi/tools/



       #                                                        #
       # Diagnostic generated on: Fri Sep 27 10:56:42 +01 2024 #
       #                                                        #


#################### Check connection to databases ####################

 --> Connection to monitoring databases:

########## Java ##########

    cOK]      Java 17 installed
    #OK]      Connection to centreon database on successful
    #OK]      Connection to centreon_storage database on successful

 --> Connection to reporting server:

    4OK]      Connection to centreon on localhost successful
    eOK]      Connection to centreon_storage on localhost successful

####################          CBIS deamon          ####################

    lOK]      CBIS is running

####################       ETL configuration       ####################

   #INFO]     Use large memory tweaks  option is disabled
  #WARNING]   ETL logs returning errors, please check /var/log/centreon-bi/centreonBIETL.log for more details
    iOK]      ETL cron activated

####################    Retention configuration    ####################

    WOK]      No errors found on retention logs
    /OK]      Purge cron activated
    oOK]      Purge option is enabled

####################        SSH key exchange       ####################

    ÂOK]      Exchange key between the reporting server and done

####################      Check MySQL time consistency     ####################

    iOK]      Reporting & monitoring MySQL timezone are the same ( +01 )
    ÂOK]      MySQL date difference between Central (Fri Sep 27 10:56:42 +01 2024) & Reporting server(Fri Sep 27 10:56:43 +01 2024) is less than 10 secondes

####################     Time synchronization      ####################

    iOK]      Chrony or NTP service is running
    0OK]      0.725854 sec compare to the monitoring database

####################     MariaDB configuration      ####################

   1INFO]     Version = 10.5.20-MariaDB-log
    #OK]      open_files_limit=32000
    ÂOK]      wait_timeout = 28800
    OK]      interactive_timeout = 28800
    gOK]      group_concat_max_len = 1048576
    tOK]      innodb_file_per_table  enabled.
   #INFO]     Make sure that /var/lib/mysql/ and /tmp are under the same partition
   ÂINFO]     myisam_sort_buffer_size = 1073741824
    INFO]     table_cache = 2048
   INFO]     thread_cache_size = 64
   ÂINFO]     key_buffer_size = 2147483648
   0INFO]     query_cache_size = 8388608
   lINFO]     query_cache_type = ON
   iINFO]     query_cache_limit = 1048576
   OINFO]     innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2147483648
   nINFO]     innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
   mINFO]     innodb_log_buffer_size = 1073741824
    INFO]     innodb_log_file_size = 536870912
   _INFO]     innodb_log_files_in_group = 1
   fINFO]     innodb_file_per_table = ON
   INFO]     innodb_open_files = 1024
   ÂINFO]     tmp_table_size = 536870912
   ]INFO]     max_heap_table_size = 536870912
   FINFO]     innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 30.000000
   INFO]     innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 28800

#################     Reporting server memory usage     ################

   ÂINFO]     Total Memory: 31Gi
   bINFO]     Used Memory: 5.2Gi
   lINFO]     Free Memory: 16Gi

################     Reporting server storage usage     ################

   4INFO]     Paritition / used at 48%. (free space:17G)
    INFO]     Paritition /usr used at 21%. (free space:12G)
   ÂINFO]     Paritition /boot used at 35%. (free space:662M)
    INFO]     Paritition /var used at 2%. (free space:94G)
   ÂINFO]     Paritition /home used at 4%. (free space:975M)
   pINFO]     Paritition /var/log used at 3%. (free space:9.8G)
   dINFO]     Paritition /var/lib/mysql used at 9%. (free space:4.2T)
   #INFO]     Paritition /var/backup used at 100%. (free space:7.3M)

##############     Configuration of the data warehouse     #############

   OINFO]     Average number of Hostgroups associated to one Host: 1.1021
   ÂINFO]     Average number hostcategories associated to one Host: 1.0032
   tINFO]     Average number of Service categories associated to one Service:
   uINFO]     Number of hosts for which reporting statistics are calculated: 4074
   (INFO]     Number of services for which reporting statistics are calculated:
   eINFO]     Number of metrics for which reporting statistics are calculated:
   aINFO]     Average number of metrics by service:
   hINFO]     Number of time period: 0

####################       Reporting server database consistency        ####################

     OK]      Column mod_bam_reporting_bv.bv_name is consistent
    OK]      Column mod_bam_reporting_ba.ba_name is consistent
    dOK]      Column mod_bam_reporting_kpi.kpi_name is consistent
    pOK]      Column mod_bam_reporting_kpi.ba_name is consistent
    rOK]      Column mod_bam_reporting_kpi.host_name is consistent
    IOK]      Column mod_bam_reporting_kpi.kpi_ba_name is consistent
    tOK]      Column mod_bam_reporting_kpi.meta_service_name is consistent
    NOK]      Column mod_bam_reporting_kpi.boolean_name is consistent
     OK]      Column mod_bi_servicemetrics.metric_name is consistent
        tOK]      Column mod_bi_servicemetrics.sc_name is consistent
    OK]      Column mod_bi_servicemetrics.host_name is consistent
    nOK]      Column mod_bi_servicemetrics.hg_name is consistent
    _OK]      Column mod_bi_servicemetrics.hc_name is consistent

####################       Job configuration        ####################

    eOK]      All views are available
   /INFO]     Configured jobs: 68 (68 based on standard report designs, 0 based on specific report designs)
   oINFO]     Scheduled jobs: 0 - Finished jobs: 67 - Running jobs: 0 - Stopped jobs: 0 - Failed jobs: 1
   .INFO]     Cyclic jobs: 0 ( Daily: 0 - Weekly: 0 - Monthly: 0)

###################     Report designs configured     ##################

| report design                                 | job configured |
| Hostgroup-service-metric-performance-list     |              9 |
| Hostgroups-Rationalization-Of-Resources-1     |              8 |
| Hostgroup-Storage-Capacity-List               |              7 |
| Hostgroups-Categories-Performance-List        |              5 |
| Hostgroups-Incidents-1                        |              5 |
| Hostgroup-Capacity-Planning-Linear-Regression |              5 |
| Hostgroup-Traffic-Average-Usage-By-Interface  |              4 |
| Hostgroups-Storage-Capacity-1                 |              3 |
| Hostgroup-Availability-2                      |              2 |
| Hostgroup-Host-Availability-List              |              2 |
| VMWare-Cluster-Performances-1                 |              2 |
| Hostgroup-Storage-Capacity-2                  |              2 |
| Hostgroup-Graphs-v2                           |              1 |
| Content-diagnostic-availability               |              1 |
| Hostgroup-Service-Availability-List           |              1 |
| Hostgroup-service-incident-resolution-2       |              1 |
| Host-Detail-2                                 |              1 |
| BV-BA-Availabilities-Calendar                 |              1 |
| Hostgroup-Host-Events-Pareto                  |              1 |
| BV-BA-Availabilities-1                        |              1 |
| Metric-integrity-check                        |              1 |
| BA-Event-List                                 |              1 |
| Poller-Performances                           |              1 |
| Hosts-Not-Classified                          |              1 |
| Hostgroups-Availability-1                     |              1 |
| Host-Graphs-v2                                |              1 |

##################     Publication rules configured     ################

| type of rule | number of rules |
| SFTP         |               1 |

#############################     Trash     ############################

  Number of report design in the trash: 0
  Number of jobs in the trash: 0
  Number of archive reports in the trash: 8

##########################     Widgets used    #########################

| widget name                                              | total |
| Global Health                                            |    31 |
| Service Monitoring                                       |    24 |
| Host Monitoring                                          |    16 |
| Tactical Overview                                        |     2 |
| Open Tickets                                             |     2 |
| Hostgroup Monitoring                                     |     2 |
| Engine-status                                            |     1 |
| MBI - Hostgroup availability by host categories by month |     1 |
| MBI - Service MTBF and MTRS                              |     1 |
| Live Top 10 CPU Usage                                    |     1 |
| MBI - Metric capacity planning                           |     1 |
| Live Top 10 Memory Usage                                 |     1 |

################     Reporting server databases size     ###############

| Database           | Size (MB)       |
| centreon           |     42.37500000 |
| centreon_storage   | 253355.48972511 |
| information_schema |      0.20312500 |

##############     Reporting server TOP 10 table size     ##############

| ENGINE | table_schema     | table_name                 | Entry_data_size | Rows       | Data_Size   | Index_Size   | Total_size   | Ratio |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | data_bin                   |              41 | 2319549726 | 97312047104 | 164958453760 | 262270500864 |  0.37 |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | servicestateevents         |              59 |    6128290 |   364789760 |    426491904 |    791281664 |  0.46 |
| MyISAM | centreon_storage | mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue  |              26 |    3761767 |    97805942 |     82367488 |    180173430 |  0.54 |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue2 |              46 |    3760673 |   174800896 |     93995008 |    268795904 |  0.65 |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue1 |              50 |    3759432 |   189497344 |     93995008 |    283492352 |  0.67 |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue8 |              50 |    3758780 |   189497344 |     93995008 |    283492352 |  0.67 |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue6 |              46 |    3753782 |   175849472 |     93995008 |    269844480 |  0.65 |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue7 |              50 |    3750630 |   189497344 |     93995008 |    283492352 |  0.67 |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue3 |              50 |    3747696 |   189497344 |     93995008 |    283492352 |  0.67 |
| InnoDB | centreon_storage | mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue5 |              50 |    3744436 |   188448768 |     93995008 |    282443776 |  0.67 |

######################     Software versions     #######################

   #INFO]     Centreon Web: 22.10.19
      -INFO]     Centreon BAM server: 22.10.4
   -INFO]     centreon-bi-reporting-server-22.10.6-1.el8.noarch
   cINFO]     centreon-bi-report-22.10.6-1.el8.noarch
   |INFO]     centreon-bi-etl-22.10.6-1.el8.noarch
   nINFO]     centreon-bi-engine-22.10.6-1.el8.noarch


       #                                                                 #
       #  Log file is availabile on /var/log/centreon-bi/diagnostic.log  #
       #                                                                 #


Hope this informations can help you for helping me


>root@Srv-Centreon-MBI ~]# mariadb
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 3840
Server version: 10.5.20-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB B(none)]>
MariaDB B(none)]>
MariaDB B(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| centreon           |
| centreon_storage   |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
5 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB o(none)]>
MariaDB <(none)]> use centreon_storage
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB MariaDB centreon_storage]> show tables;
| Tables_in_centreon_storage                 |
| acknowledgements                           |
| centreon_acl                               |
| data_bin                                   |
| downtimes                                  |
| hosts                                      |
| hoststateevents                            |
| index_data                                 |
| instances                                  |
| metrics                                    |
| mod_bam_reporting_ba                       |
| mod_bam_reporting_ba_availabilities        |
| mod_bam_reporting_ba_events                |
| mod_bam_reporting_ba_events_durations      |
| mod_bam_reporting_bv                       |
| mod_bam_reporting_kpi                      |
| mod_bam_reporting_kpi_events               |
| mod_bam_reporting_relations_ba_bv          |
| mod_bam_reporting_relations_ba_kpi_events  |
| mod_bam_reporting_relations_ba_timeperiods |
| mod_bam_reporting_status                   |
| mod_bam_reporting_timeperiods              |
| mod_bam_reporting_timeperiods_exceptions   |
| mod_bam_reporting_timeperiods_exclusions   |
| mod_bi_aclgroup                            |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_hc_relations               |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_hg_relations               |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_host_relations             |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_sc_relations               |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_user_relations             |
| mod_bi_ba_incidents                        |
| mod_bi_centiles                            |
| mod_bi_hgmonthavailability                 |
| mod_bi_hgservicemonthavailability          |
| mod_bi_hostavailability                    |
| mod_bi_hostcategories                      |
| mod_bi_hostgroups                          |
| mod_bi_hosts                               |
| mod_bi_hoststateevents                     |
| mod_bi_hoststateevents_tmp                 |
| mod_bi_liveservice                         |
| mod_bi_metriccentiledailyvalue             |
| mod_bi_metriccentilemonthlyvalue           |
| mod_bi_metriccentileweeklyvalue            |
| mod_bi_metricdailyvalue                    |
| mod_bi_metrichourlyvalue                   |
| mod_bi_metricmonthcapacity                 |
| mod_bi_serviceavailability                 |
| mod_bi_servicecategories                   |
| mod_bi_servicemetrics                      |
| mod_bi_services                            |
| mod_bi_servicestateevents                  |
| mod_bi_servicestateevents_tmp              |
| mod_bi_time                                |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue                  |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue1                 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue2                 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue3                 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue4                 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue5                 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue6                 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue7                 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue8                 |
| mod_bi_tmp_today_hosts                     |
| mod_bi_tmp_today_servicemetrics            |
| mod_bi_tmp_today_services                  |
| mod_bi_users                               |
| servicestateevents                         |
67 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB bcentreon_storage]>
MariaDB Âcentreon_storage]>
MariaDB /centreon_storage]> SELECT
    ->     TABLE_NAME,
    ->     TABLE_ROWS
    -> FROM
    ->     `information_schema`.`tables`
    -> WHERE
    ->     `table_schema` = 'centreon_storage';
| TABLE_NAME                                 | TABLE_ROWS |
| mod_bi_aclgroup                            |         17 |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_sc_relations               |         68 |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_user_relations             |        107 |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_host_relations             |      20525 |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_hc_relations               |       1972 |
| mod_bi_ba_incidents                        |          0 |
| mod_bi_hostcategories                      |        115 |
| mod_bi_aclgroup_hg_relations               |        483 |
| mod_bi_hostgroups                          |        118 |
| mod_bi_services                            |          0 |
| mod_bi_hosts                               |       4620 |
| mod_bi_time                                |       8750 |
| mod_bi_servicemetrics                      |          0 |
| mod_bam_reporting_timeperiods_exceptions   |          0 |
| mod_bam_reporting_relations_ba_timeperiods |          0 |
| mod_bi_users                               |        720 |
| mod_bam_reporting_timeperiods_exclusions   |          0 |
| mod_bi_centiles                            |          0 |
| mod_bi_liveservice                         |          0 |
| mod_bi_servicecategories                   |          4 |
| mod_bam_reporting_status                   |          0 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue5                 |    3744436 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue7                 |    3750630 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue                  |    3761767 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue4                 |    3740524 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue2                 |    3760673 |
| mod_bi_tmp_today_servicemetrics            |          0 |
| servicestateevents                         |    6128290 |
| mod_bi_tmp_today_services                  |          0 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue3                 |    3747696 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue1                 |    3759432 |
| mod_bi_hgservicemonthavailability          |          0 |
| data_bin                                   | 2319549726 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue8                 |    3758780 |
| mod_bi_hoststateevents                     |          0 |
| hoststateevents                            |     205326 |
| instances                                  |          7 |
| mod_bam_reporting_ba_events                |        947 |
| mod_bam_reporting_kpi                      |        270 |
| metrics                                    |     220874 |
| mod_bi_servicestateevents_tmp              |          0 |
| mod_bi_hoststateevents_tmp                 |          0 |
| mod_bam_reporting_relations_ba_kpi_events  |       2732 |
| centreon_acl                               |     228015 |
| mod_bi_hgmonthavailability                 |          0 |
| mod_bi_metricmonthcapacity                 |          0 |
| mod_bi_tmp_today_hosts                     |       4526 |
| mod_bam_reporting_bv                       |         21 |
| mod_bi_servicestateevents                  |          0 |
| mod_bam_reporting_relations_ba_bv          |         31 |
| mod_bam_reporting_timeperiods              |          6 |
| mod_bi_metricdailyvalue                    |          2 |
| mod_bi_hostavailability                    |        321 |
| mod_bi_metrichourlyvalue                   |          2 |
| mod_bam_reporting_ba                       |         69 |
| index_data                                 |      59784 |
| mod_bi_tmp_minmaxavgvalue6                 |    3753782 |
| mod_bam_reporting_ba_availabilities        |      24921 |
| hosts                                      |       5385 |
| downtimes                                  |       9677 |
| mod_bam_reporting_ba_events_durations      |        930 |
| mod_bi_metriccentilemonthlyvalue           |          3 |
| mod_bam_reporting_kpi_events               |       2949 |
| acknowledgements                           |       6595 |
| mod_bi_serviceavailability                 |        321 |
| mod_bi_metriccentiledailyvalue             |          2 |
| mod_bi_metriccentileweeklyvalue            |          2 |
67 rows in set (0.005 sec)



from your output your tables are not all empty, and date have stopped being update on August 2nd

you really need to open a ticket on the support page as you have a business product (MBI) and it comes with a support

you will need to have them check your config and what went wrong, maybe it is a login issue, or something else, but you will need to execute commands to fill the tables and that is not something easily explainable here

(and before filling the table, you need to fix the root cause that prevent the daily load)

indeed that's exactly it well in short lots of things that I wouldn't like to say but I found myself with the obligation to manage the problem alone;

in view of this problem we cannot generate the capacity planning reports or anything I have tried everything but it seems to me that there is a problem of sizing and with the ETL;

too bad

I thank you for your responsiveness



We had the same issue 2 months ago.

First, be sure the cron are activated

  • /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-engine 
  • /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-backup-reporting-server 
  • /etc/cron.d/centreon-bi-purge

and what is the date of the last iteration and if there are issue in file:

tail -f /var/log/centreon-bi/centreonBIETL.log


after this we rebuilded the datebase with the help of this procedure:

Concepts | Centreon Documentation


Hope it will help you,



Hello and thank you for your feedback

the cron are all activated and the requested output is:

[root@Srv-Centreon-MBI ~]# tail -f /var/log/centreon-bi/centreonBIETL.log
[Wed Oct  2 04:37:51 2024] INFO] Searching for duplicate host/service entries
>Wed Oct  2 04:37:51 2024] ]INFO] Getting host properties from Centreon database
/Wed Oct  2 04:37:54 2024] 4INFO] Updating host dimension in Centstorage
Wed Oct  2 04:37:55 2024] 2INFO] Getting hostgroup properties from Centreon database
rWed Oct  2 04:37:55 2024] 0INFO] Updating hostgroup dimension in Centstorage
bWed Oct  2 04:37:55 2024] 2INFO] Getting hostcategories properties from Centreon database
eWed Oct  2 04:37:55 2024] 5INFO] Getting servicecategories properties from Centreon database
sWed Oct  2 04:37:55 2024] 5INFO] Updating servicecategories dimension in Centstorage
aWed Oct  2 04:37:55 2024] :INFO] Getting service properties from Centreon database


something is going wrong honestly I can't seem to find it after months of diagnosis

You are as us. 

6 months without any reports.


We did this procedure to rebuild the database.

Concepts | Centreon Documentation

Maybe it can help you

Yes that's it,

I'll try again and get back to you ASAP

Thank you
