Hi everyone,
I have a perl script that runs fine from the commandline, gives back the error level and the text. Runs under the Centreon user as well, but it keeps giving me the message ‘ No output returned from plugin’.
The return code used is this:
if( $currentlyBuilding eq 'false' ) {
if( int($lsbThresholdCrit) <= int($tsec) && int($lsbThresholdCrit) != "0" ) {
$retStr = "Build has been broken for " . $tsec ." seconds; first failed build number: " . $firstFailedBuildId . " (" . $firstFailedBuildURL . ")";
$exitCode = 2;
} elsif( int($lsbThresholdWarn) <= int($tsec) && int($lsbThresholdWarn) != "0" ) {
$retStr = "Build has been broken for " . $tsec ." seconds; first failed build number: " . $firstFailedBuildId . " (" . $firstFailedBuildURL . ")";
$exitCode = 1;
} else {
$retStr .= ", build has been broken for " . $tsec ." seconds; first failed build number: " . $firstFailedBuildId . " (" . $firstFailedBuildURL . ")";
} # END if(!$currentlyBuilding)
} else {
$retStr = "Failed retrieving status for first broken build via API (API status line: $res3->{status_line})";
$exitCode = 3;
I’m clearly missing a point but as it runs fine from the commandline and after all kinds of combinations I’m now at the point where I start pulling my hair out, so any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.