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centreon2-centreon-datasource not load in grafana 10.2.2

  • 1 December 2023
  • 3 replies

I am registering centreon2-centreon-datasource and it is presenting this problem


So I can't insert the data to access the datasource


I noticed that the grafana directory structure changed in this version


3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +10



I’ve been updating my Grafana from 9.X to 10.2.2 version, unistall and reinstall the data source (true thing is that it was still considered as “allowed”) and could not experienced same issue as yours.


From the screen capture you added, I guess you have followed the documentation 

I have not really see any change in the directory structure neither. (I’m running it on my Windows laptop).


In any case, as this pluggin only works with business licence, I suggest you open a a support ticket for further investigation.





Badge +3



i have the same problem. With debug log enable, i have this message

logger=token t=2024-07-09T16:24:54.564544548+02:00 level=debug msg=FeatureEnabled feature=accesscontrol.enforcement enabled=false licenseStatus=NotFound hasLicense=false hasValidLicense=false products=[]
logger=token t=2024-07-09T16:24:54.619532213+02:00 level=debug msg=FeatureEnabled feature=accesscontrol.enforcement enabled=false licenseStatus=NotFound hasLicense=false hasValidLicense=false products=[]
logger=token t=2024-07-09T16:24:54.625584054+02:00 level=debug msg=FeatureEnabled feature=accesscontrol.enforcement enabled=false licenseStatus=NotFound hasLicense=false hasValidLicense=false products=[]


Do i need special license? or register somewhere?



Userlevel 4
Badge +10



Yes indeed, the Grafana datasource is accessible only to our customers with Business subsription and MBI licence installed on the Centreon Platfoem.



