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Configuration - VM-limiy

Bonjour à tous,

Quelqu’un aurait la solution pour configurer le seuil de la limite d’alerte concernant le Template :



S’il faut rajouter dans les lignes en vert ? ou plutôt modifier les valeurs dans les lignes oranges ?

Et surtout, comment les configurer ?


Merci pour vos retour.

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @SEBASTIEN97420, In order to help as many users as possible, could you please post your question in English? That way, anyone else who might be experiencing a similar issue can also benefit from the solutions that will be suggested. And this can even help you reach more people in the community. Thanks for your understanding. Cheers

Badge +1
Someone would have the solution to configure the threshold of the alert limit concerning the Template vm-limit


If it is necessary to add in the lines in green? or rather modify the values ​​in the orange lines?And above all, how to configure them?
