Hi @DIAMFred,
Can you expose your issue more precisely please?
What are you monitoring? An ESXi server?
What is the command you are running?
What measure, what tool, is showing it’s wrong?
Hi omercier,
I’m monitoring a virtual server.
I use the following plugin: /usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_vmware_connector_client.pl
I use this command:
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_vmware_connector_client.pl --plugin=apps::vmware::connector::plugin --mode=cpu-vm --custommode=connector --connector-hostname='localhost' --connector-port='5700' --container='default' --vm-hostname='myvm' --filter-uuid='' --unknown-status='%{connection_state} !~ /^connected$/i or %{power_state} !~ /^poweredOn$/i' --warning-status='' --critical-status='' --warning-total-cpu='85' --critical-total-cpu='90' --warning-total-cpu-mhz='' --critical-total-cpu-mhz='' --warning-cpu-ready='5' --critical-cpu-ready='10' --warning-cpu='' --critical-cpu='' --use-new-perfdata
To calculate the CPU Ready value, I used the website vmcalc.com with the metrics given by my vcenter and also I used the tool DC Scope from easyvirt which is able to graph the CPU Ready consumption.
Both DC Scope and vmcalc.com gave me the same result, but the plugin gave me different values.
What am I doing wrong ?
Does anyone have the same problem as me ?
What is the output the command?
With the --debug
option we should hopefully get the raw data that have been collected.