@nicnictout there are a couple of things to take into consideration:
- confirm that the purge is working / scheduled
- /etc/cron.d/centstorage
- /bin/php /usr/share/centreon/cron/centstorage_purge.php
- adjust your retention parameters
- look into the perfdata to fix the format
- confirm the plugin/device produces the right perfdata
- look for the host/service that might be consistan for the one service/host and fix as needed
- For example the error bellow corresponds to host id 1234 and service id 98765
>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:01.005-00:00] 0perfdata] ferror] invalid perfdata format in service (1234:98765): equal sign not present or misplaced '| FAN1_RPM='
ok that’s already the workflow I had to identify bad datas, I’ve hope there were a way with maybe a DB query to identify services in trouble more easily.
I’ll developp a logfile template or script in order to generate a report as expected so.
Thks for your time @ponchoh
will to see it out of curiosity, tag me if you do !
Hello @ponchoh
sorry for delay, I finnaly write a short script to proceed:
# Script to detect bad formatted performance data sent to Centreon
CMD_CENTREON="/usr/share/centreon/bin/centreon -u ${API_login} -p ${API_pwd} -o SERVICE -a SHOW"
regex=".*invalid perfdata format in service \((.*):(.*)\):.*"
# temp files
# Cleaning
rm -f /tmp/perf_*
# populate an array with all entris found in broker log
while IFS= read -r line; do
my_array+=( "$line" )
done < <(grep "invalid perfdata format" $broker_log | sed -E "s/$regex/\1;\2/")
# echo all entries one per line
for i in ${my_arrayy@]}
echo $i >> $tmp_result
# remove duplicates
cat $tmp_result | sort -u > $sort_result
# search services infos with clapi
for line in $(cat $sort_result)
host=$(echo $line | awk -F';' '{print $1}')
service=$(echo $line | awk -F';' '{print $2}')
`${CMD_CENTREON} | grep "$host;.*;$service;" >> $perf_result`
if / -a $perf_result ]
cat $perf_result | /usr/bin/mailx -s "Centreon bad Perf Data format" <email>
As you see not a breakthrough stuff, but at least it provide an easier and clearer output with host and service name rather than just ids.