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Error during cbd exit: config parser: unified_sql output is incompatible with storage/sql outputs

  • 8 September 2022
  • 6 replies

[root@lhq041 ~]# systemctl status cbd
● cbd.service - Centreon Broker watchdog
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cbd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-09-08 12:43:46 EDT; 1min 55s ago
  Process: 32269 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 32077 (cbwd)
    Tasks: 13 (limit: 23658)
   Memory: 13.3M
   CGroup: /system.slice/cbd.service
           ├─32077 /usr/sbin/cbwd /etc/centreon-broker/watchdog.json
           └─32079 /usr/sbin/cbd /etc/centreon-broker/central-rrd.json

Sep 08 12:45:35 lhq041 cbwd<32322]: p2022-09-08 12:45:35.811] 3core] info] Copyright 2009-2021 Centreon
Sep 08 12:45:35 lhq041 cbwdn32322]: p2022-09-08 12:45:35.811] 3core] info] License ASL 2.0 <>
Sep 08 12:45:35 lhq041 cbwd;32322]: p2022-09-08 12:45:35.811] 3core] error] Error during cbd exit: config parser: unified_sql output is incompatible with storage/sql outputs
Sep 08 12:45:35 lhq041 cbwds32322]: p2022-09-08 12:45:35.812] 3core] info] log finished
Sep 08 12:45:40 lhq041 cbwdd32077]: p2022-09-08T12:45:40.809-04:00] :cbwd] -error] cbd instance with PID 32322 has stopped, attempt to restart it
Sep 08 12:45:40 lhq041 cbwdt32355]: p2022-09-08 12:45:40.812] 3core] info] Centreon Broker 22.04.1
Sep 08 12:45:40 lhq041 cbwd132355]: p2022-09-08 12:45:40.812] 3core] info] Copyright 2009-2021 Centreon
Sep 08 12:45:40 lhq041 cbwdn32355]: p2022-09-08 12:45:40.812] 3core] info] License ASL 2.0 <>
Sep 08 12:45:40 lhq041 cbwd;32355]: p2022-09-08 12:45:40.812] 3core] error] Error during cbd exit: config parser: unified_sql output is incompatible with storage/sql outputs
Sep 08 12:45:40 lhq041 cbwds32355]: p2022-09-08 12:45:40.812] 3core] info] log finished

6 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hi @jcarrier

Can you paste here the content of /etc/centreon-broker/central-broker.json, please ? (do not forget to hide the DB passwords)

Badge +4

No matter what I type, I keep getting “something’s gone wrong.”

Userlevel 3
Badge +11

Hi @jcarrier,


To get the content of the file, you need to log into your Centreon central server and run “cat /etc/centreon-broker/central-broker.json”


Badge +4

Everytime I paste the file in and “send”… I get “something’s gone wrong” 

Is there a way I can attach a file and send it to you?



Badge +2

I had the same problem (“something’s gone wrong”), i removed all “urls” and it worked

Remove urls, IPs and local host and of course passwords.

Badge +3

For anyone having the same issue, the solution for me was to replace both outputs “Broker SQL database” AND “Perfdata Generator (Centreon Storage)” by the “Unified SQL” output. The error occured when I only replaced “Broker SQL database” and forgot to remove the centreon storage. The DB used with unified SQL is centreon_storage. I hope this helps.
