
Exagrid Monitoring

  • 28 April 2023
  • 2 replies

Badge +3

Good Morning! I have added a check to get the total amount of space of all shared of an exagrid host:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=apps::protocols::snmp::plugin --mode=numeric-value --hostname= --snmp-community='public' --snmp-version=2c  --oid='.' --format='current value is %s' --warning= --critical=

How can I define the warning and critical values to get a notificiation if 80% or 90% of the space is used?

2 replies

Badge +2

Hi Thomas,

I suggest you take a look at these links that explain in a little more detail how to define alert thresholds on commands. Don't worry, it's actually quite simple ;)

Happy reading! Feel free to come back if you have any other questions in this thread or in the link so that other people can benefit as well :)

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@Thomas Have you tried the default pluging pack “Exagrid” from centreon

it comes with a single check “server usage” that gives you the landing and retention usage


unfortunately I don’t have exagrid system to monitor anymore, but it was working

Exagrid | Centreon Documentation


if you don’t have the plugin pack, you can use the centreon_plugin from the git community and create your own command/service with this plugin name  “storage::exagrid::snmp::plugin” and --help


what you want to do is use the snmp generic command, that will return the raw value, you can’t make threshold with % just with that, you would need to get the total, the used, do a bit of math to get the %

This need code (perl, python, anything you want, but that’s not what the generic snmp command can do on its own)

(or you could put the raw value manually if you know them)

the plugin will take care of that for you, 
