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We recently started over with Centreon 21.10.1 to replace our Centreon 2.5.2 as a front-end for Nagios. While setting up the new system, we ran into a bug. In v2.5.2, we were able to escape the special character “!” in check command args for Services by host group. In v21.10.1, using “!” or “\!” as an arg value is simply stripped when saving configuratin. We have a very widespread SNMP community name that contains a “!” character.

The check command is quite simple “$USER1$/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -o . -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -l 'Adv. Battery Capacity' -u '%'” with “$ARG1$ being the SNMP community string.


I revoke the entire post. I had a new service that stubbornly refused to save the SNMP community name (with “!”) as an arg on the services by hostgroup. I deleted the service and tried again -- the quoting worked. 

Hello @Sean,

You could replace $ARG1$ with a Service Macro like $_SERVICE<Macro Name>$. Currently, the exclamation mark is not stripped with Service Macros.


EDIT: nevermind my answer.

