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I’m trying to use centreon plugins to match one connection on local port 4000 from one known IP address.


For this, I need to use “filter-ip” but I cannot manage to get it work.


I use the following command: --plugin os::linux::snmp::plugin --mode tcpcon --hostname host --snmp-version 2 --snmp-community public --service='MyService,,established,4000,,,,,1:1


This one works, it returns one established connection:

OK: Service 'LMyService' connections: 1 - Total connections: 8


Then I tried to add an IP destination filter to only match my IP address. If I understand correctly, it an inverted filter to exclude everything that is not my IP address.

For the record, when using --debug, I can see the connection I’m trying to match:

. = 5  < this is 10.y.y.y


So I just tried to modify the command like this: --plugin os::linux::snmp::plugin --mode tcpcon --hostname hosts --snmp-version 2 --snmp-community public --service='MyService,,established,4000,,,^(?!10.*)$,,1:1'


And I get 0 connection remaining… Any idea what I’m doing wrong ?


Best regards

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