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  • 15 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi there, I have the next problem:

We have the alerts from centreon sent via telegram. The point is that we don’t want that many alerts, we only want those ones we are interested in. So I tried to filter that information, only achieving to filter the performance data (which is not the message telegram sends, telegram send the status information).

To sum up, I want to filter the info from STATUS INFORMATION and I don’t know how. I have tried with How to play with Regex - Part II | Community ( and part 1 and it has been impossible for me to succeed. I`ve been working with centreon for just a couple days now so I will gladly thank any help.


This is what I want to filter


1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hello :)

I'm not familiar with notification plugins but I can try to explain what I understand about your problem. First, the Centreon statuses arise from the filters that are declared upstream on the metrics; to my knowledge, there is no dedicated way to filter on these statuses themselves.The documentation gives examples of possible filters and their effect on output statuses. And to have the exhaustive list of possible options for filtering you can use the --help of the plugin:

/usr/lib/centreon/git-plugins/centreon-plugins/src/ \
--plugin=notification::telegram::plugin \
--mode=alert \

This command should return the information here.

Best regards
