I’m currently playing around with the collection mode for HTTP, to query some JSON Data. The JSON-Data includes boolean values which I want to use insight a count function for filtering elements on a selection. But it seems, that in this case, the boolean value is still something like ‘JSON::PP::Boolean=SCALAR(0x56146594f0d0)’ which I can not use in the filter for the count function.
JSON is like that:
{ "bindingName": "zway", "creationTime": 1694179518, "creatorId": 1, "customIcons": {}, "deviceType": "switchMultilevel", "firmware": "5.1", "h": 128847420, "hasHistory": false, "id": "ZWayVDev_xxxx", "location": 3, "locationName": "xxxxx", "manufacturer": "Fibaro", "metrics": { "icon": "blinds", "isFailed": false, "title": "xxxxx", "level": 99 },
I want to count all devices, which are in failed state (metrics.isFailed = true), but I’m not able to get it work:
"type": "count",
"src": "%(http.tables.devicesRequestEntries)",
"filter": "%(src.isFailed)",
"save": "%(failedCount)"
Additionally, I want to output those devices. Therefore I’ve defined the corresponding selection_loop and now I need to format the output. I’ve tried:
"formatting": {
"display_ok": "true",
"printf_msg": "Device %s is in status %i",
"printf_var": f
which leads to many error messages, as type JSON::PP::Boolean=SCALAR(0x56146594f0d0) is neither an integer nor a string. And I need to set the critical clause in the loop too, which get’s me back to the first thing.
What am I missing? I think it’s just a layer-8 problem, but I need help to get it solved.
And of course: I’ve already read
And I’ve checked github to make sure to have the latest patches for the collection mode. And yes, the patch of https://github.com/centreon/centreon-plugins/pull/3749 is already included.