the check in question does not have filter option, however there are customization possible
an extract of the --help
Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING
(default: '%{link_status} =~ /downStar/i') You can use the
following variables: %{link_status}, %{display}
Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL
(default: '%{link_status} eq "down"'). You can use the following
variables: %{link_status}, %{display}
there are 2 variables usable for the check status, %{link_status} and %{display}
so maybe something could be done with a more complex query, but I don’t have this check or equipement and I cannot try (as I don’t know what is in the variable “display”, probably this could contain the text “port-channel100”
unfortunately I can’t find a documentation explaining how to write this, it is “perl” syntax, but I don’t know how to do a complex query. here is what I gathered after playing with other check, like bgp peer state
=~ /xxxx/i <= means “contains xxx”
!~ /yyy/i <= means does not contain “yyy”
eq <= means equal, and you can use “and” or “&&”, “or” or “||” for logical operation ( Perl - Operators )
now you need to test, I suggest copying the command line you got from the GUI, go in the ssh shell of your poller and “su - centreon-engine” to do the tests.
change the --warning-link-status (or add it, to change the default value described in the --help) to this :
%{link_status} =~ /downStar/i and %{display} !~ /portchannel-100/i
(remember to add quotes around the value when you are in the command line, this is a single parameter so all the spaces needs to be between quotes)
if that works, next would be to try a multiple “A and ( B or C )” , and perl supports grouping with parenthesis, so maybe that should work like that :
%{link_status} =~ /downStar/i and ( %{display} !~ /portchannel-31/i or %{display} !~ /portchannel-100/i )
no guarantee that it works, as I said, I cannot find a documentation explaining that syntax on centreon, and it all depends if the ${display} variable contains the value you want to filter