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nothing provides perl-VMware-vSphere

Centreon 23.04.0 on AlmaLinux 8


When running “dnf install centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon” I get the following error:

nothing provides perl-VMware-vSphere >= 5.1 needed by centreon-plugin-Virtualization-VMWare-daemon-3.2.5-20220816072422.el8.noarch

VMware-vSphere-Perl-SDK-7.0.0-17698549.x86_64 is already installed.


I cannot find any information on how to resolve this error.

8 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +14


How did you install Centreon ?


can you check your repo with 

dnf repolist

and check if you have “centreon-stable” in your list

the perl package is provided in the centreon-stable repo (and you can see the vmware perl package here in this list, is alma8 and 23.04, you should point to this repository Index of /standard/23.04/el8/stable/x86_64/RPMS (

also this is only for alma 64bit x86, not ARM


if you try a “dnf search  perl-VMware-vSphere”  what is your output?




Badge +1

I downloaded the virtual machine from


dnf repolist shows:

centreon-23.04-stable                 Centreon open source software repository.
centreon-23.04-stable-noarch          Centreon open source software repository.
centreon-business-23.04-stable        Centreon business software repository.
centreon-business-23.04-stable-noarch Centreon business software repository.
centreon-connectors-stable            Centreon connectors repository.
centreon-connectors-stable-noarch     Centreon connectors repository.
centreon-connectors-unstable          Centreon connectors repository.
centreon-connectors-unstable-noarch   Centreon connectors repository.
centreon-plugins-23.04-stable         Centreon plugins repository.
centreon-plugins-23.04-stable-noarch  Centreon plugins repository.


dnf search  perl-VMware-vSphere shows “No matches found.”

Badge +1

I have managed to install perl-VMware-vSphere by running the following command:

dnf install

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

ah ok

I didn’t try the  virtual machine yet, i install from package mostly, you could check the repo file 

in the folder /etc/yum.repos.d/ you should have  some “.repo” files, and some should be centreon

if you go inside there should be section [centreon-23.04-stable] (the one corresponding to the first you listed, it’s this one that should contain the perl vmware package)

can you check which baseurl is in this section, it may not be the same I linked above exactly

if it’s the same, then something is wrong 

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

I have managed to install perl-VMware-vSphere by running the following command:

dnf install

yeah that was an option but that should not have been necessary, there may be an issue in the VM, if the repo is wrong there will be lot of issue in the future

Badge +1

/etc/yum.repos.d/centreon-23.04.repo shows the following:

name=Centreon open source software repository.

Userlevel 5
Badge +14


This is problematic : the vm points to another url than the install script for package

the package install point to “”  Index of /standard/23.04/el8/stable/x86_64/RPMS (

the VM points to “”  Centreon official registry

and the 2nd url does not contains all the package… I’m leaving that here for a centreonian to check this

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Hi, thank you @christophe.niel-ACT & @robertstedmond I will let the team know about the VM’s
