
NRPE error: WARNING: my_system() seteuid(0): Operation not permitted

  • 3 April 2023
  • 2 replies


I'm running a probe with no arguments with NRPE v4.0.3 on a RHEL7.9 remote server.
I keep getting error:

NRPE: Unable to read output

When I run:

sudo journalctl -u nrpe --since "1 hour ago"

on the remote server,
I always get the same error:

WARNING: my_system() seteuid(0): Operation not permitted


I parsed a few topics regarding that last error, but none seems to address my issue.
Here is the most valuable insight on this issue:
On more than a dozen other RHEL servers (6.9, 6.10, 7.9) with the same NRPE version, the same code executed with NRPE works perfectly.
I keep trying to figure out which configuration box I didn't ticked, because the error clearly doesn't seem to come out of the code.
Could you please review my issue?

2 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +6


I have the same WARNING in several checks using nrpe, but the commands complete correctly as in:

nrpe[14078]: WARNING: my_system() seteuid(0): Operation not permitted

nrpe[14077]: Command completed with return code 0 and output: DISK OK - free space: / 28692 MB (82% inode=-);| /=5996MB;33559;34619;0;35326

nrpe[14077]: Return Code: 0, Output: DISK OK - free space: / 28692 MB (82% inode=-);| /=5996MB;33559;34619;0;35326


So I think that is a different problem for the NRPE: Unable to read output you have. In my case, the NRPE: Unable to read output usually is because a wrong path in the command definition or the command needs sudo to be run.


Anyway, it would be nice if someone can explain how to get rid of that WARNING also.




Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hi @jeansomers,

Have you tried putting the complete path of the sudo command?

You may find it this way:

# which sudo

