(i couldn’t run exactly the same command args in debug mode, but I have the same perf data)
the error is not present some time, but some time there is an error
even without args, just “check_cpu” gives a strange output
I have left an issue on the nscp github, it’s not a centreon developpment… but there has been no release for nsclient since a long time, but the maintainer seems active
Humm , i think maybe you have wrong agent NSCLIENT on your system .
Did you choose the 32bits one instead of 64 bit ?
the os is 64 bits, the agent is 64 bits, the issue is really specific, and as I said probably a bug from nsclient
this only happens on 5 servers out of 1500, but more importantly :
it only happens on windows 2022 hardware server with more than 64threads (fresh servers we just deployed for a client)
we rarely have big server like that with windows, usually some other hypervisor,
I was asking originally if anyone else had encounter this issue and managed to solve it, or could confirm if this issue was general or just for me, or because there is a hyper-v kernel running on these machines, etc.. anything to help debug and identify the cause
the only place where it could go wrong is here: https://github.com/mickem/nscp/blob/9886d7c066e3f10a45f4043bdbb7528d41204be2/include/win_sysinfo/win_sysinfo.cpp#L401 there are double casting, and a substractions, or maybe windows return bad values, I can read it, but I can’t debug it, and this the most low level code that nsclient has to get cpu information, after that it’s windows api, and this function only get the information from api and is the only “computation” the values goes through.
as I said, I left an open issue on the nsclient git.
@christophe.niel-ACT were you able to resolve this? We just noticed this after upgrading many of our Hyper-V hosts moving over to Windows 2022 and many more CPUs than before. Older servers with the same version of NSClient are still fine.
no I have not found a solution, the bug is opened on the community source for “nscp” which is the origin for nsclient
I don’t have any way to correct this issue, so for now I’m ignoring it, also I don’t have many big windows server, mostly physical esxi.
if you know someone that know C/C++ and have enough expertise...
Thanks, looks like I will have to submit a support ticket directly as Centreon often ignore Github and have in the past even ignored fixes in the production releases.
centreon is not the developper of nsclient, neither nscp, it’s an agent they use.
centreon did develop a plugin using WMI without third party agent, i have not tried it yet
centreon is not the developper of nsclient, neither nscp, it’s an agent they use.
centreon did develop a plugin using WMI without third party agent, i have not tried it yet
WMI is basically deprecated because MS no longer supports WMIC, so it’s either use WSMAN and the nightmare of maintaining SSL certificates for WinRM on all your servers, or using the NSClient++ agent. There is SNMP if you’re allowed to be insecure with only v2, as v3 is only available as a 3rd party agent if you can be bothered.
Hi @christophe.niel-ACT , thanks for your interest in Centreon.