Hello everyone,
When i was mounting checks for oracle server. By following the official doc of centreon i granted the following table/view rights to user centreon :
- dba_free_space
- dba_data_files
- dba_temp_files
- dba_segments
- dba_jobs
- v$sysstat
- v$sgastat
- v$parameter
- v$process
- v$session
- v$filestat
- v$log
- v$instance
But after i launched my checks i got bunch of error messages, by observing the error messages, it appears to me that the following rights are also needed :
- v$database_block_corruption
- v$tempstat
- v$rowcache
- v_$system_event
- v$recovery_area_usage
- v$librarycache
- v$sql_monitor
- v$resource_limit
- v$rman_status
- v$backup
- v$rman_status
- v$rollstat
- v$resource_limit
- dba_tablespaces
- v$tablespace
- v$event_name
- v$waitstat
Once these rights are granted to my user the checks work out, execpt for the check of Invalid Object as its message error is incomplete even with mode debug.
So i would like to know if someone can provide me with the remaining table/view rights that i need. And it will be better that the offcial doc can be updated for other readers.