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I have this error on my DWH: servicestateevents: 2022-07-20 02:50:39] ]mod_bi_servicestateevents: 2022-07-20 02:50:38]


I have imported data from 2022-07-20 to 2022-07-21 using  /usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/ -r -s 2022-07-20 -e 2022-07-21 --ignore-databin after I used /usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/ -r -s 2022-07-20 -e 2022-07-21  --events-only. My jobs finished but the same error persiste.


What is the problem?



Francis DOUNGA

Hi @Francis DOUNGA,


Are the reporting datas ok onthe Reporting  >  Dashboard  >  Hosts page ?

Also, do you have any errors in the following files (central server) :

  • /var/log/centreon/eventReportBuilder.log
  • /var/log/centreon/dashboardBuilder.log




Hi @itoussies 


My dashboard returns nothing (it's weird). I have no data on a 1 day and more.


The log files have not errors.



Error, my dashboard work fine



Hi @Francis DOUNGA,


It seems that services have undetermined availabilities. Did it happend with all host and their services ?


Hello @itoussies ,

I Have same problème Can u Help Me please!

Hello @Reda,


What is the output of usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/ --db-content on the MBI server?

Hello @itoussies 

Thanks a lot for you’re answer, there is the output,



What’s the Centreon version?

Are there any errors in /var/log/centreon-bi/centreonBIETL.log?

the Version is 22.10

it always gives these two errors at the step dimensions level

the log is :



STEP : Data extraction from monitoring server

pThu Aug  1 04:30:02 2024] 4INFO] Starting program...(pid=302767)
Thu Aug  1 04:30:02 2024] 2INFO] FDUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server vmod_bam_reporting_ba_availabilities]
rThu Aug  1 04:30:02 2024] 0INFO] NDUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server rdata_bin]
bThu Aug  1 04:34:47 2024] 2INFO] IDUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server ecentreon_acl]
]Thu Aug  1 04:34:50 2024] 0INFO] DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server metrics]
sThu Aug  1 04:34:52 2024] 5INFO] ]DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server ghoststateevents]
tThu Aug  1 04:34:54 2024] :INFO] 4DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server nservicestateevents]
nThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] 5INFO] 2DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server iinstances]
nThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] 3INFO] 0DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server thosts]
hThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] :INFO] 2DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server rdowntimes]
nThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] 4INFO] DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server oacknowledgements]
gThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] 0INFO] 7DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server pmod_bam_reporting_ba]
rThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] INFO] 2DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server emod_bam_reporting_ba_events]
bThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] 1INFO] :DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server rmod_bam_reporting_ba_events_durations]
_Thu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] INFO] 5DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server mod_bam_reporting_bv]
eThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] INFO] 3DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server omod_bam_reporting_kpi]
eThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] INFO] :DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server tmod_bam_reporting_kpi_events]
nThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] gINFO] 4DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server mod_bam_reporting_relations_ba_bv]
eThu Aug  1 04:35:27 2024] uINFO] 0DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server emod_bam_reporting_relations_ba_kpi_events]
sThu Aug  1 04:35:28 2024] AINFO] DUMP] Dumping data of monitoring database to reporting server smod_bam_reporting_timeperiods]
tThu Aug  1 04:35:28 2024] INFO] 1DUMP] Dumping monitoring server database directly on reporting server tcentreon]
Thu Aug  1 04:35:28 2024] uINFO] LOAD] Loading data into reporting database centreon]
dThu Aug  1 04:35:33 2024] hINFO] DUMP] Update Centreon ACL data
tThu Aug  1 04:35:37 2024] TINFO] Exiting program...(pid=302767)

STEP : Processing dimensions

rThu Aug  1 04:35:37 2024] [info] Starting program...(pid=302767)
pThu Aug  1 04:35:37 2024] >INFO] Searching for duplicate host/service entries
tThu Aug  1 04:35:38 2024] /INFO] Getting host properties from Centreon database
sThu Aug  1 04:35:41 2024] INFO] Updating host dimension in Centstorage
Thu Aug  1 04:35:42 2024] rINFO] Getting hostgroup properties from Centreon database
iThu Aug  1 04:35:42 2024] bINFO] Updating hostgroup dimension in Centstorage
uThu Aug  1 04:35:42 2024] rThu Aug  1 04:35:42 2024] eINFO] Updating hostcategories dimension in Centstorage
rThu Aug  1 04:35:42 2024] gINFO] Getting servicecategories properties from Centreon database
pThu Aug  1 04:35:42 2024] aINFO] Updating servicecategories dimension in Centstorage
gThu Aug  1 04:35:42 2024] rINFO] Getting service properties from Centreon database
rThu Aug  1 12:30:01 2024] aWARNING] Error connecting to MySQL, trying to reconnect to centreon
,Thu Aug  1 12:30:01 2024] nFATAL] MySQL error : cannot connect to database centreon on server localhost
aThu Aug  1 12:30:01 2024] cFATAL] Program terminated with errors


but when I run the diagnostic the connection between the bases seems perfect.


#################### Check connection to databases ####################

 --> Connection to monitoring databases:

########## Java ##########

    >OK]      Java 17 installed
        oOK]      Connection to centreon_storage database on XX.XXX.XX.12 successful

 --> Connection to reporting server:

    OK]      Connection to centreon on localhost successful
    OK]      Connection to centreon_storage on localhost successful

####################          CBIS deamon          ####################


####################       ETL configuration       ####################

   INFO]     Use large memory tweaks  option is disabled
  WARNING]   ETL logs returning errors, please check /var/log/centreon-bi/centreonBIETL.log for more details
    aOK]      ETL cron activated



Does the following SQL request return any result?

mariadb centreon -e "SELECT service_description FROM service WHERE service_id = service_template_model_stm_id;"


The result Returned is


| service_description            |
| generic-passive-service-custom |


Hum its seems that this service template has itself as a template. You need to modifiy it and replace its template by “generic-passive-service” (or any generic passive service template). Then, on your MBI server, run the following command:

/usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/ -d

If everything works fine, you can follow this procedure to rebuild your data:

Hi @itoussies  ,

I thank you for your feedback but can you be more specific please, this change should I make where and how?

I am new to Centreon and I need more details so as not to make mistakes


You can modify a service template on the Configuration  >  Services  >  Templates page. Your generic-passive-service-custom template should look like that:


In the Template field, replace generic-passive-service-custom by generic-passive-service-custom. Then on your MBI server, run the following commands:

  • /usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/ -r --centreon-only
  • /usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/ -d


Thank you for your feedback,

I found them like that without doing anything,
and yet the orders do not go through



Maybe I should have been more precise but it should look like that before the change:


And it should look like that after the change:


Hello ​@itoussies 

I hope you are well and happy new year,

I thank you for your valuable information the problem has been solved and it's been a long time I work with the normal reports,

yesterday I wanted to make sure that everything is going well with the command: /usr/share/centreon-bi/etl/ --db-content

and the Output was: smod_bi_metricmonthcapacity: 2024-11-01 00:00:00] 0mod_bi_metriccentilemonthlyvalue: 2024-11-01 00:00:00]

I don't know why these tables are no longer updated

any idea about this?

