
SNMP check RAM returns negative value for Hirschmann switch

  • 26 July 2022
  • 6 replies

Badge +1

I am using the Hirschmann plugin pack to monitor a switch.
The memory service returns a strange critical error:

CRITICAL: Memory total: 79.77 MB used: -87.12 MB (-109.22%) free: 166.88 MB (209.22%)

Here is the command :

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=network::hirschmann::standard::snmp::plugin --mode=memory --hostname=10.0.X.X --snmp-version='3'  --privpassphrase='XX' --authprotocol='MD5' --snmp-username='admin' --privprotocol='DES' --authpassphrase='XX' --warning-memory-usage-prct='80' --critical-memory-usage-prct='90'


The other checks are not a problem: CPU, Process, Hardware…

The poller is installed on a debian server and the version of the net-snmp package is 5.9+dfsg-3

Is there a solution to this problem?

Best regards

6 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +19



The problem comes probably from the version of net-snmp on the Hirschmann. 

Could you try to add --patch-redhat option to your command to see if you get more relevant values?


Kind regards,

Badge +1

Hello Sims24,

Thank you for your reply
The command does not accept the option --patch-redhat


I get this error :

Unknown option: patch-redhat at /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// line 141.

Best regards

Userlevel 6
Badge +19



Ok, my bad, I thought it used the common Linux memory check. 

Then, can you share the result of your first command with --debug enabled plz? ​​​​

Badge +1

No problem.

Here is the result :

CRITICAL: Memory total: 82.02 MB used: -82.62 MB (-100.73%) free: 164.63 MB (200.73%) | 'memory.usage.bytes'=-86630400B;;;0;85999616 ''=172630016B;;;0;85999616 'memory.usage
. = 1
. = 83984
. = 168584
. = undef
. = undef
. = undef


Userlevel 6
Badge +19

Looks like a problem on the device, maybe you could check with your support?

You can provide the debug to show them than the free RAM OID value is greater than the total one. 


. = 83984 => Total RAM

. = 168584 => Free RAM







Badge +1

OK, thanks.
I will see with the support of the manufacturer.
