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Hello dear colleagues. Passive check inspections are carried out.
When I check the part mentioned in the picture, I get the following answer Object not found: check_centreon_dummy
How can I solve it? Please




That’s why because you don’t have the command: check_centreon_dummy. You must create it as follows:



Thank you very much:hugging:


Hello again. I had a hard time again. When sending this script (/usr/local/nrdp/clients/ -u http: //10.252.XX/nrdp/ -t token -H 10.251.XX -s "test_nrdp" -S 1 -o "WARNING: test warning ") the result does not change.

tail -f /var/log/centreon-engine/centengine.log
Warning: Check result queue contained results for service 'test_nrdp' on host '10 .251.X.X ', but the service could not be found! Perhaps you forgot to define the service in your config files?

How can I solve it? Please help me.

can you help?
