I am trying to monitor mongodb through the centreon, without results
1.The documentation of centeron is followed, which requires installing a package, where it was installed
2.User has super user privileges
3.The centreon server does present a response to the destination server for tests with telnet
4.The mongodb database is a 3-node cluster, where the primary node is and is monitored by ops manager
5.The ops manager does not have ssl configured
6.Tried with --ssl-opt="SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE" and --ssl-opt="SSL_version => TLSv1"(v2 and v3)
7.SO Centos 8 and Centreon 21.10.8
centreon-engine@centreonplus ~]$
rcentreon-engine@centreonplus ~]$ /usr/lib/centreon/centreon-plugins/centreon_plugins.pl --plugin=database::mongodb::plugin --mode=connection-time --hostname= --port=27017 --protocol='mongodb' --username='ebaldeon' --password='xxxx' --ssl-opt="SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE" --debug
UNKNOWN: Connection error (add --debug option to display error message)
Connection URI: mongodb://ebaldeon:Kekereke1984@
MongoDB::SelectionError: No readable server available for matching read preference primary. MongoDB server status:
Topology type: Single; Member status: (type: Unknown, error: MongoDB::HandshakeError: SSL connection failed for SSL connect attempt failed )
bcentreon-engine@centreonplus ~]$
Some suggestions, thanks