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I have a similar error to

howhever here this happens on the built-in check_centreon_plugins from


Here is the command executed by centreon:

"centreon-engine@centreon-central ~]$ /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=apps::nsclient::restapi::plugin --mode=query --timeout='30' --hostname='' --port='8443' --proto='https' --legacy-password='*******'  --command=check_centreon_plugins --arg='apps::microsoft::exchange::local::plugin' --arg='replication-health'  --arg='  --warning="" --critical="not %{result} =~ /Passed/i"'
UNKNOWN: Cannot decode json response: malformed UTF-8 character in JSON string, at character offset 2454 (before "\x{fffd}0080\\u009Ap...") at /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// line 162.
/centreon-engine@centreon-central ~]$


Here is the successful check done locally on the monitored server itself:

Here is the check done locally on the monitored server itself:

PS C:\Program Files\centreon-nsclient\NSClient++\scripts\centreon> .\centreon_plugins.exe --plugin=apps::microsoft::exchange::local::plugin --mode=replication-health
CRITICAL: Replication test 'ClusterService' status on 'EXCH2' is '*FAILED*' *error: Couldn't connect to the cluster service on server 'EXCH2'. Error: An error occurred while attempting a cluster operation. Error: Cluster API failed: "OpenCluster( failed with 0x5. Error: Accès refusé"] - Replication test 'ActiveManager' status on 'EXCH2' is '*FAILED*' Eerror: An error occurred while communicating with the Microsoft Exchange Replication service on server 'EXCH2'. Database operations such as mounting, dismounting, and the ability to have failovers or switchovers may not be available. Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Replication service is running and review the Event logs for more details. Error: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: Operation failed with message: Error 0x5 (Accès refusé) from cli_AmGetActiveManagerRole eServer: EXCH2]] - Replication test 'TasksRpcListener' status on 'EXCH2' is '*FAILED*' Ierror: An error occurred while communicating with the Microsoft Exchange Replication service to test the health of the Tasks RPC Listener on server 'EXCH2'. Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Replication service is running. Error: A server-side administrative operation has failed. Operation failed with message: Error 0x5 (Accès refusé) from RpccGetCopyStatusEx4 tServer:]] - Replication test 'TcpListener' status on 'EXCH2' is '*FAILED*' Ferror: The health test of the TCP listener for the Microsoft Exchange Replication service on server 'EXCH2' failed. This server cannot participate in replication until the error is resolved. Error: An error occurred while communicating with server 'EXCH2'. Error: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Une connexion établie a été abandonnée par un logiciel de votre ordinateur hôte.] - Replication test 'DatabaseRedundancy' status on 'EXCH2' is '*FAILED*' ierror: Failures:
There were database redundancy check failures for database 'Mailbox Database 0558700019' that may be lowering its redundancy and putting the database at risk of data loss. Redundancy Count: 0. Expected Redundancy Count: 2. Detailed error(s):

The RPC to retrieve the status of database copy 'Mailbox Database 0558700019\EXCH2' failed. Error: A server-side administrative operation has failed. L'opération a échoué avec le message : Error 0x5 (Accès refusé) from RpccGetCopyStatusEx4 pServer:]

There were database redundancy check failures for database 'BDD_Archivage' that may be lowering its redundancy and putting the database at risk of data loss. Redundancy Count: 1. Expected Redundancy Count: 2. Detailed error(s):

The RPC to retrieve the status of database copy 'BDD_Archivage\EXCH2' failed. Error: A server-side administrative operation has failed. L'opération a échoué avec le message : Error 0x5 (Accès refusé) from RpccGetCopyStatusEx4 fServer:]] - Replication test 'DatabaseAvailability' status on 'EXCH2' is '*FAILED*' error: Failures:
There were database availability check failures for database 'Mailbox Database 0558700019' that may be lowering its availability. Availability Count: 0. Expected Availability Count: 2. Detailed error(s):

The RPC to retrieve the status of database copy 'Mailbox Database 0558700019\EXCH2' failed. Error: A server-side administrative operation has failed. L'opération a échoué avec le message : Error 0x5 (Accès refusé) from RpccGetCopyStatusEx4 uServer:]

There were database availability check failures for database 'BDD_Archivage' that may be lowering its availability. Availability Count: 1. Expected Availability Count: 2. Detailed error(s):

The RPC to retrieve the status of database copy 'BDD_Archivage\EXCH2' failed. Error: A server-side administrative operation has failed. L'opération a échoué avec le message : Error 0x5 (Accès refusé) from RpccGetCopyStatusEx4 ¨Server:]] - Replication test 'DBCopySuspended' status on 'EXCH2' is '*FAILED*' nerror: Communication with the Microsoft Exchange Replication service didn't return a Continuous Replication copy status for database 'BDD_Archivage\EXCH2'. The service may be down.]
PS C:\Program Files\centreon-nsclient\NSClient++\scripts\centreon>


Hello :)

Can you tell us if you still have this issue with the latest release : ?

Best regards.
