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UNKNOWN: Cannot get response (timeout received)

  • 7 October 2022
  • 7 replies


i m a error to monitoring my ESXi 6.5

UNKNOWN: Cannot get response (timeout received)

Esx-Status  is OK (login-password) end start


I also have this message in the logs but i don’t know if it has a link:

'default' SOAP request error - possibly a protocol issue: Server closed connection without sending any data back at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/HTTP/ line 373.


7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +19


This error is not the cause of the problem, this is the internal communication design which cause that with the library we’re using. Please do not take care of it. 

If you could share the whole command line generating the error, that would help. You can copy it from the Resource Status page from the service details panel. 

Best ​​​​​​​

Badge +2

thank you for your help

it’s ok

effectivment you are right this erro is not the cause

now alone Esx-Status  error ( status connected, overall status is gray ) do you have a idea

Userlevel 6
Badge +19

ESXi standalone doesn't provide information about health. It’s only available on ESX, that’s why you get the ‘gray’ value. 

Badge +2

thank you  snif 😪   i will desactivate the status

i’ts possible with the api

Badge +2

if not i will test and let you know

Userlevel 3
Badge +8


What status do you want for your ESXI, health/hardware ?

For hardware status, you can with ESX-wsman plugin. It works with ESXI.

You can with ILO/IDRAC…. if your server has one.


But as @sims24 said, you will not have CPU/MEM.., it’s for ESX from a vcenter.

Badge +2

Thank you
